Tuesday, January 3, 2006 [[Page D1]] Daily Digest HIGHLIGHTS Second Session of the One Hundred Ninth Congress convened as prescribed by the Constitution of the United States. Senate Chamber Action Routine Proceedings, page S1 The Senate met in a pro forma session to convene the second session of the 109th Congress at 12:00:04 p.m., and adjourned at 12:00:45 p.m., until 10 a.m., on Wednesday, January 18, 2006.sed for the same per issue prices. To place an order for any of these products, visit the U.S. Government Online Bookstore at: bookstore.gpo.gov. Mail orders to: Superintendent of Documents, P.O. Box 371954, Pittsburgh, PA 15250ÿ097954, or phone orders to 866ÿ09512ÿ091800 (toll free), 202ÿ09512ÿ091800 (D.C. area), or fax to 202ÿ09512ÿ092250. Remit check or money order, made payable to the Superintendent of Documents, or use VISA, MasterCard, Discover, American Express, or GPO Deposit Account. Following each session of Congress, the daily Congressional Record is revised, printed, permanently bound and sold by the Superintendent of Documents in individual parts or by sets. With the exception of copyrighted articles, there are no restrictions on the republication of material from the Congressional Record. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to the Superintendent of Documents, Congressional Record, U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington, D.C. 20402, Along with the entire mailing label from the last issue received. [[Page D2]] _______________________________________________________________________ Next Meeting of the SENATE 10 a.m., Wednesday, January 18 Senate Chamber Program for Wednesday: Senate will be in a period of morning business. Next Meeting of the HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES 12 noon, Tuesday, January 31 House Chamber Program for Tuesday, January 31st: To be announced. _______________________________________________________________________ Extensions of Remarks, as inserted in this issue HOUSE Baldwin, Tammy, Wisc., E2 Brady, Robert A., Pa., E1 Costa, Jim, Calif., E2 Hoyer, Steny H., Md., E1, E2 Lantos, Tom, Calif., E2 Rahall, Nick J., II, W.Va., E1, E2