Security Enhancements

You pay for security enhancements as part of rent or by submitting a reimbursable work authorization (RWA) to the Federal Protective Service. Security enhancements result in building specific additional rent charges. Individual agencies are responsible for the costs associated with their desire for security over and above the level determined for their building. You'll pay for additional security charges through RWA's.

The services included in the basic service charge are control center dispatch and alarm monitoring, criminal investigations, and protection activities. Security assessments, occupant emergency plan development, coordination of Building Security Committees, and crime prevention assessments and presentations are included in protection activities.

The types of services included in the building specific portion of a tenant's rent are security guards and maintenance of security systems. Costs vary by location and only locations with contract guards and/or security systems are charged. Charges include administrative and overhead costs. Building-wide capital expenses are currently paid for through RWA's.

Last Reviewed 2/17/2009