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Food Processing and Technology
Pathogen and Contaminants
Pathogen Biology
Pathogen Detection and Monitoring
Sanitation and Quality Standards
Research Programs and Reports
You are here: Home / Help / Browse by Subject Definitions
The Browse by Subject, also known as scope notes, provide users with a description of the FSRIO Web site navigational taxonomy. Each scope note serves to clarify the meaning and application of the subject in relation to other subjects in the Web site.

Food Processing and Technology
Use for resources on methods of food processing, food packaging, food preservation, food storage, post-harvest treatment and food technology. This includes pasteurization, irradiation, biotechnology, food preparation, ready-to-eat foods, non-thermal processing technologies, and any other technologies for pathogen control and food quality.

Pathogens and Contaminants
Use for resources on microbial and non-microbial contaminants such as pathogenic bacteria, viruses, prions, parasites, chemical contaminants, physical contaminants, and natural toxins that occur in food or food animals during production, processing and preparation.

Pathogen Biology
Use for resources on research areas such as microbial genetics, microbial ecology, growth kinetics and biological characteristics that influence pathogen survival, virulence, and pathogenicity. This includes but is not limited to, antimicrobial resistance, predictive microbiology, and biofilms.

Pathogen Detection and Monitoring
Use for resources on the new technologies and rapid methods being researched for use as tools to detect pathogens, and to monitor animal health and the microbiological quality of food with more accuracy and speed. This includes, but is not limited to, biosensors, animal electronic identification, and any type of pathogen detection methodology.

Sanitation and Quality Standards
Use for resources on guidelines, control methods, good practices, and risk reduction strategies used to enhance the microbiological quality of food and to enhance the overall safety of the food supply. This includes, but is not limited to, HACCP, risk assessment, animal manure management, good agricultural practices, and good manufacturing practices.

Research Programs and Reports
Includes program and planning documents that provide information about food safety research efforts. This information is organized by agency and by year and includes: budgetary and expenditure data; annual/progress reports; and strategic program plans for the future.

Last Modified: Feb 3, 2006
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