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Food Safety Research Information Office: USDA/ARS National Program 108: Food Safety 2005 Annual Reports
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Agency Annual Reports

  USDA/ARS National Program 108: Food Safety 2005 Annual Reports
Compilation of Project Reports
The Annual Report is now compiled in a manner similar to the 5-year Report provided for the NP108 Food Safety Retrospective Review. To reduce the amount of time to put the report together, and the length of the report itself to a manageable size the following information is provided:
  • Project Title
  • Project Number (CRIS Number)
  • Scientists (Sy’s)
  • Location, Center/Laboratory
  • Single most significant accomplishment for the year
  • Other significant accomplishments
  • Activities that support special target populations (not all projects)
  • Progress Report (not all projects)
  • Publications
The report is easily searchable and follows the format required for the ARS Annual Reporting System (421’s). Other information provided in the 421’s can be obtained through the ARIS system. Major publications, in alphabetical order, are compiled in a separate section at the end of the report. The sequence of projects in the report is based on Area locations and Mode Codes.

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Table of Contents
AreaMode Code
Executive Summary12 ----
Beltsville Agricultural Research Center (Beltsville)12 ----
North Atlantic Area (Wyndmoor) 19 ----
Mid West Area (Peoria, Ames) 36 ----
Pacific West Area (Albany) 53 ----
Northern Plains Area (MARC, Fargo) 54 ----
Southern Plains Area (College Station, Lubbock, Fayetteville) 62 ----
Mid South Area (Stoneville, Mississippi State, New Orleans) 64 ----
South Atlantic Area (Athens, Dawson, Raleigh) 66 ----
Publications12 ----

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Table of ContentsNext: Executive Summary

  1. This document was created by USDA.
    Users are encouraged to provide feedback and comments.
  2. This document was created in Nov 2005.

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