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Story: TanBIF: Towards sustainable development in Tanzania

With the establishment of TanBIF in August 2007, Tanzania is becoming a regional leader in using biodiversity informatics to underpin sustainable development. The TanBIF Portal will be launched as a collaborative environment to provide long-term, unified access to all relevant sources of data and information on Tanzania´s biodiversity
Released on: 28 October 2008
Contributor: Not applicable
Language: English
Spatial coverage: Not applicable
Source of information:
Concerned URL: http://www.tanbif.or.tz


The Tanzania Biodiversity Information Facility (TanBIF) www.tanbif.or.tz is Tanzania’s national network coordinating node for participation in the Global Biodiversity Information Facility (GBIF). It was established on 30th August 2007 with the overall aim of furthering technical and scientific efforts to promote the mobilization, sharing and utilization of biodiversity data and information in Tanzania. TanBIF is an output of the Capacity Enhancement Programme for Developing Countries (CEPDEC), a programme designed by GBIF and implemented in Tanzania by the Tanzania Commission for Science and Technology (COSTECH) in collaboration with GBIF. Thanks to a grant provided by the Royal Danish Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Tanzania has been the first country in the world to implement and benefit from the GBIF-CEPDEC framework.

4th TanBIF National Committee Meeting

Figure 1. 4th TanBIF National Committee Meeting, COSTECH Conference Hall, 7th August 2008

TanBIF comprises a wide range of Participants, including national institutions, departments, agencies and organizations that intend to provide free and universal access to data and information regarding Tanzania’s biodiversity, captured to GBIF’s globally-mediated standards.

The TanBIF National Committee is the means by which the Participants make collective decisions on all matters relating to TanBIF. The Committee is lead by Prof. Alfeo M. Nikundiwe. Members of the Committee are Prof. Pantaleo Munishi, Dr. Simon Mduma, Dr. Flora Ismail, Dr. Zakaria Mbwambo, Dr. Bakari Msangi, Dr. Joseph Mligo, Mr. Onespholy Kamukuru, Mr. Hamza Rijal, Mr. Efrem-Fred A. Njau and Ms. Edna Nyika.

The TanBIF Secretariat carries out a Work Programme that strictly adheres to the plans and directives of the National Committee. The Secretariat is comprised of the Executive Secretary, Mr. Theophilus Mlaki, the Node Manager, Ms. Hulda Gideon and the IT Officer, Mr. Hezron Makundi.

TanBIF portal

Figure 2. In the TanBIF portal it is possible to find all the contact details about the TanBIF members, including the National Committee, the expert group members, and the Secretariat. http://www.tanbif.or.tz/contentpage.php?cat=partners&pag=secretariat.

Service and contents of www.tanbif.or.tz

The TanBIF Portal www.tanbif.or.tz is a service that provides access to biodiversity data that are being shared via the TanBIF and the GBIF networks. The Portal is a multilingual website that provides data on Tanzanian species, specimens and observations held inside and outside Tanzania. Through the Portal you can access biodiversity news in both Kiswahili and English.

TanBIF portal

Figure 3. Overview of the TanBIF Portal homepage.

This Portal has been developed by ETI-BioInformatics in the Netherlands as part of the GBIF-CEPDEC Pilot Project in Tanzania to provide long-term, unified access to all relevant sources of biodiversity data and information held inside and outside Tanzania. Thanks to the Royal Danish Ministry of foreign Affairs for sponsoring the GBIF-CEPDEC Pilot Project. Tanzanians are now accessing biodiversity data and information that are held outside Tanzania, but also many resources that are served by experts and institutions within the country. Biodiversity data are searchable through the Portal, and results may be shown as a list of records or as an occurrence map http://www.tanbif.or.tz/search_map.php

TanBIF portal

The Portal enables biodiversity experts to discuss issues of biodiversity through an online forum. http://www.tanbif.or.tz/forum/index.php

TanBIF portal

Students can browse the Portal and learn how to identify various species using an online identification key, including photographs, common names, and easy to recognise characters ( http://www.tanbif.or.tz/lin2/tanbif_linnaeus.php?menuentry=soorten).

TanBIF portal

This portal is still in its infancy. It will be launched officially during the GBIF-GB15 in Arusha, Tanzania by the Vice President of Tanzania, the Honorable Dr. Ali Mohammed Shein on November 5th. You are all welcome!!!!!

Networking and Cooperation

TanBIF is a consortium of National institutions/departments/organizations http://www.tanbif.or.tz/contentpage.php?cat=partners&pag=members which believe in the following:

  1. Biodiversity data and information are indispensable resources to support sound policies and decision making in Tanzania towards sustainable development
  2. Access to biodiversity data and information will help Tanzania to address important issues of great social and economic relevance such as land planning, setting up and managing protected areas, identifying and tracking agricultural pests and diseases of livestock, wildlife and humans and predicting the spread of invasive species
  3. TanBIF is a tool towards achieving the MDGs and the National Development Vision 2025.

TanBIF portal

TanBIF collaborates with National and International Partners to assure the free and open access on the Internet to the country’s biodiversity data and information.

Prospects for the Future

  • Facilitating research, mobilisation and digitisation of primary biodiversity data so that more data can be available in the Internet.
  • Provide more training in order to enhance usage of scientific data in biodiversity policy, decision-making and science.
  • Expand our outreach activities to make the Society familiar with TanBIF activities and convince institutions and organizations to publish their data through TanBIF Portal.

Please note that this story expired on 2008/12/31

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