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Story: Governing Board Meets for 8th Time

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The 8th meeting of the GBIF Governing Board (GB8) took place on 26 April 2004 in Oaxaca, Mexico. This meeting focused on science issues pertinent to GBIF activities, and the Second Annual GBIF Science Symposium and the science planning meetings filled out the week.
Released on: 14 June 2004
Contributor: Meredith Lane
Language: English
Spatial coverage: Not applicable
Source of information: GBIF Secretariat
Concerned URL:

GB8 was a meeting focused on the science of GBIF. Highlights included:

  • A presentation about the first GBIF demonstration project, concluded by a consortium led by the University of Turku, was made at the meeting. There was also a brief demonstration of the new GBIF data portal and information services.

  • GB delegates were invited to attend the second annual GBIF Science Symposium (see related story) and the awarding of the Ebbe Nielsen Prize 2004 to Johan Nilsson from Sweden, which took place from 27th to 28th April, 2004 following this meeting at the same venue.

  • Following the Governing Board meeting and the Science Symposium, the four Science Subcommittees and the NODES committee had a two-day planning session. Many good ideas were brought forward, and these are being incorporated into the Work Programme for next year.

  • The Governing Board was introduced to the general plan and process for conducting the third-year review of GBIF (see related story) by the Chair of the newly appointed Review Committee, Dr Marvalee Wake. The review is being jointly undertaken by CODATA and KPMG. The Review Committee efficiently used their time in Oaxaca, and conducted many interviews with GB delegates during the Symposium and the science planning meeting. The review will be assisted by Participant reports about their current state of implementation of the MOU for GBIF, as well as the Node Status reports submitted by GBIF Participants in March 2004.

  • A revision of the 2004 budget was adopted. It takes into account the changing relationship between currencies, and 2003 spending that was less than anticipated. The latter allowed carrying US$1,362,000 forward into 2004, and the Governing Board voted to devote these funds to the Work Programme.

  • The GB gratefully accepted the renewed invitation by New Zealand to host the 9th meeting of the GBIF Governing Board (GB9) from 4th - 8th October 2004 in Wellington, New Zealand, and the invitation by Belgium to host the 10th meeting of the GBIF Governing Board (GB10) from 18th - 22nd April 2005 in Brussels, Belgium. The Governing Board also welcomed an invitation by Sweden to host GB11 in Stockholm as well as a preliminary invitation from South Africa to offer hosting GB12.

  • Sponsors and hosts of the meeting included Fomento Social Banamex, the Academia Mexicana de Ciencias, Dirección General de Vida Silvestre (Semarnat), Jardín Ethnobotánico de Oaxaca, and CONABIO. All participants in the meeting enjoyed and were grateful to our Mexican hosts for a splendid organisation of the meeting(s), including an impressive historical venue, efficient logistics, and an extraordinary dinner. The meal included entirely local and sustainably produced foods and beverages. The CONABIO databases were used to provide the diners with information about species identity and locality data for the ingredients.

  • At the present time, GBIF has 25 Voting Participants, 16 Associate Participants (countries/economies) and 26 Associate Participants (organisations). GB8 was attended by 41 delegations representing 26 countries and economies (Argentina, Australia, Belgium, Canada, Colombia, Costa Rica, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Japan, Korea, Madagascar, Mexico, Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Peru, Poland, Slovenia, South Africa, Spain, Sweden, Taiwan, United Kingdom, U.S.A.), the European Commission, the Secretariat of the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD), and 13 international organizations (BioNET International, CABI Bioscience, EASIANET, ETI, Finding Species, IABIN, ICIPE, ITIS, NatureServe, OBIS, Species 2000, TDWG, UNEP-WCMC). Representatives from Brazil, Cameroon, El Salvador, Indonesia, Uruguay, Venezuela, and members of the Committee for the 3rd Year Review of GBIF took part as observers.

Please note that this story expired on 2004/07/14

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