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Story: GBIF Science Symposium 2003

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The first annual Science Symposium was well-received by an audience of over 120. Shown here are keynote speaker, Dr. Cristián Samper (left) and Dr. John Curran, Chair of the GBIF Science Committee. The larger picture (click on this small one) shows (left to right), Dr. Craig Moritz, Dr. Jorge Soberón, Dr. Carsten Rahbek, Dr. Takeshi Sagara, and Dr. Cristián Samper.
Released on: 20 May 2003
Contributor: Meredith Lane
Language: English
Spatial coverage: Not applicable
Source of information: GBIF Secretariat
Concerned URL:


"Founding the Future: On the sands of speculation or the rock of real data?"

Niche, interactions and history: Calculating a species distribution range

Jorge Soberón and A. Townsend Peterson

The geographical distribution of a species is a fundamental expression of its evolutionary history. The overlay of all the distributions is the basis for biodiversity analysis: complementarities, hot spots identification, alpha, beta and gamma analysis at different scales, etc. The distribution of a species is complex and dynamic. The primary data required to estimate a distribution is the "presence" data obtained from observations. In this presentation, I show how recent advances in information technology allow us to calculate good, predictive distributions on the basis of 1) millions of records of primary data obtained via distributed search engines and the Internet; 2) large, medium resolution files of geospatial information; and 3) state-of-the-art artificial-intelligence tools to integrate those two sources of empirical data. This presentation includes detailed examples of how this is done and then two applications, one to the invasive Cactoblastis cactorum (a pest of Opuntia) in Mexico, and another to the vector (of Chagas disease) Triatoma dimidiata in Guatemala.

Cleaning and adding value to inaccurate geographical descriptions on specimen labels

Takeshi Sagara

Developing specimen databases is important for understanding and conserving biodiversity. Information engineers worry about efficient database design, the data model, interoperability between databases, etc. Though these issues are important, there is a basic problem in the digitization of specimen data that previously has not been overcome. This is that the verbal description of the locality on specimen labels is often vague, inaccurate, or unclear. Therefore, a technique of cleaning and adding value to specimen records by giving longitude and latitude to inaccurate place expression in specimen labels was developed in our research group. By using this technique, a researcher can create distribution maps from specimen data, and errors included in labels can also be discovered. The technique is explained in this presentation. It is important that the information technology person engaged in developing biodiversity databases consider the importance of development of such technologies and systems, which can add value to data.

Use of large quantitative distribution databases in biogeography and conservation research

Carsten Rahbek

Most conservation planning for biodiversity is not science- and data driven, but based on dogmatic, often pragmatic subjective reasoning. If we are to manage biodiversity globally and nationally there is broad consensus among prominent scientists that we must embark on the challenging enterprise of describing patterns, revealing mechanisms, and mapping these processes to achieve effective identification and management of areas of importance to biodiversity. However, identification and description of an orderedness in distribution- and richness patterns, and determination of the underlying processes, have challenged biogeographers and ecologists for more than a century. More than 120 different hypotheses have been suggested to explain richness patterns alone. The primary obstacle to discovering unifying principles has been the lack of large quantities of high-quality data. However, in the last decade, researchers at the Zoological Museum of the University of Copenhagen have compiled three of the world’s largest distributional databases (African vertebrate animals, South American birds, Danish animals). New and significant, empirically supported insights can be gained by combining such large datasets with rigorous statistical analyses. In addition, such studies can contribute conceptual advantages to biogeography, macroecology and conservation. The impact of studies of this type will be illustrated through an overview of a suite of recently published studies that utilized these databases.

Biodiversity informatics and conservation of pattern and process

Craig Moritz [Slides] [Paper]

New insights into biological diversity are coming from integration of museum-based information on distributions and taxonomy, GIS-based environmental data and comparative phylogeography. This fusion of geographic, taxonomic, environmental and genomic information, within the context of evolutionary and ecological theory, is crucial to devising conservation strategies that protect current diversity as well as the processes that will sustain it into the future. This vision for the future of biodiversity studies presents interesting challenges for natural history museums such as the Museum of Vertebrate Zoology at the University of California, Berkeley. To illustrate this approach, I will discuss recent studies of species and genetic diversity of the diverse and highly endemic fauna of east Australian tropical and subtropical rainforests.

Please note that this story expired on 2003/06/19

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