USDA Forest Service

Shasta-Trinity National Forest


USDA Service Center
Shasta-Trinity National Forest

3644 Avtech Parkway
Redding, CA 96002


United States Department of Agriculture Forest Service.

Recreation Facility Analysis

logo. A circular logo with a forested scene in the middle depicting camping. A ring encircles the scene with the words Environment, Sustainability, Niche and Community.National forests across the United States have completed a Recreation Facility Analysis process for developed recreation sites.

Many of the Shasta-Trinity National Forest's developed recreation sites were built 30 to 50 years ago. Since then, visitor preferences and demographics have changed. Some sites no longer serve projected recreation needs; some facilities are in poor shape and do not meet visitors' expectations.

The Shasta-Trinity National Forest has completed their Recreation Facility Analysis process. The 5 year Program of Work is a list of possible actions to more effectively manage recreation sites and meet public needs and expectations. This is an analysis, not a decision document.

All proposed actions will be evaluated through the National Environmental Policy Act and implemented as funding becomes available. The public will be notified of proposed actions before implementation.

[cartoon]. A person writes on a sheet of paper.

Briefing Papers and Q&A's

Briefing (February 2007)

Frequently Asked Questions (from the Forest Service Washington Office website)

Shasta-Trinity National Forest Recreation Niche

List of Recreation Sites

Draft Program of Work (list of possible management actions)

[drawing]. A woman points to a flip chart during a presentation

Slide Show

This slide show provides an overview of the seven step process.

cartoon. Shows a group of people attending a meeting. One of the people is handing someone else a sheet of paper.

Public Involvement

April 2, 2007 letter from Forest Supervisor J. Sharon Heywood



Contact Form

[cartoon]. A man walks with a 'sandwich board.' The sandwich board says, 'RFP on it.News Releases & Announcements

September 2008: 5 year Program of Work document


The Forest Service Washington Office website also has information about this subject


US Forest Service - Shasta-Trinity National Forest
Last Modified:  Wednesday, 26 November 2008 at 16:21:10 EST

USDA logo which links to the department's national site. Forest Service logo which links to the agency's national site.