Thursday, January 8, 2009

[[Page D13]]

                              Daily Digest


      The House and Senate met in joint session to count electoral 


Chamber Action
Routine Proceedings, pages S181-S238
Measures Introduced: Twenty-five bills and three resolutions were 
introduced, as follows: S. 167-191, S.J. Res. 4, and S. Res. 10-11. 
                                                          Pages S211-12
Measures Passed:
  Relative to Israel: Senate agreed to S. Res. 10, recognizing the 
right of Israel to defend itself against attacks from Gaza and 
reaffirming the United States' strong support for Israel in its battle 
with Hamas, and supporting the Israeli-Palestinian peace process. 
                                                          Pages S181-83
  Production of Documents: Senate agreed to S. Res. 11, to authorize 
production of documents to the Department of Defense Inspector General.
                                                          Pages S237-38
Joint Session Senate Tellers--Agreement: A unanimous-consent agreement 
was reached providing that the order of Tuesday, January 6, 2009, with 
respect to the announcement of members appointed to be Senate tellers 
for the Joint Session on Thursday, January 8, 2009, be modified to 
reflect that Senator Schumer will replace Senator Feinstein. 
                                                              Page S186
Nominations Received: Senate received the following nominations:
  Stuart Gordon Nash, of the District of Columbia, to be an Associate 
Judge of the Superior Court of the District of Columbia for the term of 
fifteen years.
  2 Marine Corps nominations in the rank of general.
Page S238
Messages from the House:
  Page S208
Measures Referred:
  Page S208
Measures Placed on the Calendar:
  Pages S181, S208
Measures Read the First Time:
  Pages S208, S238
Executive Communications:
  Pages S208-11
Additional Cosponsors:
  Page S212
Statements on Introduced Bills/Resolutions:
  Pages S212-35
Additional Statements:
  Pages S207-08
Amendments Submitted:
  Pages S235-37
Authorities for Committees to Meet:
  Page S237
Privileges of the Floor:
  Page S237
Adjournment: Senate convened at 10:30 a.m. and adjourned at 6:31 p.m., 
until 10 a.m. on Friday, January 9, 2009. (For Senate's program, see 
the remarks of the Majority Leader in today's Record on page S238.)

Committee Meetings
(Committees not listed did not meet)
Committee on the Budget: Committee concluded a hearing to examine the 
Congressional Budget Office (CBO) Budget and Economic Outlook, after 
receiving testimony from Robert A. Sunshine, Acting Director, 
Congressional Budget Office.
Committee on Energy and Natural Resources: Committee concluded a 
hearing to examine current energy security challenges, after receiving 
testimony from Dianne R. Nielson, Utah Office of the Governor, Salt 
Lake City, on behalf of the Western Governors' Association; and Kit 
Batten, Center for American Progress Action Fund, Eric Schwartz, Energy 
Security Leadership Council, and Karen A. Harbert, Institute for 21st 
Century Energy, all of Washington, D.C.
Committee on Environment and Public Works: Committee concluded an 
oversight hearing to examine

[[Page D14]]

the Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA) and the recent major coal ash 
spill, after receiving testimony from Tom Kilgore, President and Chief 
Executive Officer, Tennessee Valley Authority; Stephen A. Smith, 
Southern Alliance for Clean Energy, Knoxville, Tennessee; and William 
Howard Rose, Jr., Roane County Office of Emergency Services, Ten Mile, 
Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs: Committee 
concluded a hearing to examine lessons learned from the Mumbai 
terrorist attacks, after receiving testimony from Charles E. Allen, 
Under Secretary of Homeland Security for Intelligence and Analysis; 
Donald Van Duyn, Chief Intelligence Officer, Federal Bureau of 
Investigation, Department of Justice; and Raymond W. Kelly, New York 
City Police Department, New York, New York.
Committee on Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions: Committee 
concluded a hearing to examine the nomination of Thomas A. Daschle, to 
be Secretary of Health and Human Services, after the nominee, who was 
introduced by Senator Johnson and former Senator Robert J. Dole, 
testified and answered questions in his own behalf.
Committee on the Judiciary: Committee concluded a hearing to examine 
ways to help state and local law enforcement during an economic 
downturn, including S. 150, to provide Federal assistance to States for 
rural law enforcement, after receiving testimony from Michael E. 
Schirling, Burlington Police Department, Burlington, Vermont; Charles 
H. Ramsey, Philadelphia Police Department, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania; 
John R. Schmidt, former Associate Attorney General, Mayer Brown LLP, 
Chicago, Illinois; and Mary Lou Leary, National Center for Victims of 
Crime, and David B. Muhlhausen, Heritage Foundation Center for Data 
Analysis, both of Washington, D.C.

                        House of Representatives

Chamber Action
Public Bills and Resolutions Introduced:  65 public bills, H.R. 288-
352; 8 private bills, H.R. 353-360; and 15 resolutions, H.J. Res. 12-
16; H. Con. Res. 11-15; and H. Res. 32-36, were introduced. 
                                                           Pages H88-91
Additional Cosponsors:
  Page H91
Reports Filed: There were no reports filed today.
Electoral College Vote Tellers: Pursuant to S. Con. Res. 1, to provide 
for the counting on January 8, 2009, of the electoral votes for 
President and Vice President of the United States, the Chair appointed 
Representative Brady of Pennsylvania and Representative Daniel E. 
Lungren of California as tellers on the part of the House to count the 
electoral votes.
  Page H73
Recess: The House recessed at 10:20 a.m. and reconvened at 1:01 p.m. 
                                                               Page H75
Joint Session: The Joint Session was called to order at 1:08 p.m. and 
dissolved at 1:36 p.m.
  Pages H75-76
Declaration of the Election of President and Vice President: Pursuant 
to the provisions of S. Con. Res. 1, and the requirements of the 
Constitution and laws relating to the election of President and Vice 
President of the United States, the two Houses of Congress met in Joint 
Session with Vice President Cheney as the presiding officer to count 
the electoral votes. The following votes were cast for President: 
Barack Obama of Illinois, 365 and John McCain of Arizona, 173. The 
following votes were cast for Vice President: Joseph Biden of Delaware, 
365 and Sarah Palin of Alaska, 173.
  Page H76
Recess: The House recessed at 1:39 p.m. and reconvened at 2:06 p.m. 
                                                               Page H76
Meeting Hour: Agreed that when the House adjourns today, it adjourn to 
meet at 9 a.m. tomorrow, January 9.
  Page H82
Consideration of Suspension: Agreed that the Speaker be authorized to 
entertain motions to suspend the rules relating to H. Res. 34, 
recognizing Israel's right to defend itself against attacks from Gaza, 
reaffirming the United States' strong support for Israel, and 
supporting the Israeli-Palestinian peace process, on the legislative 
day of Friday, January 9, 2009.
  Page H82
Quorum Calls--Votes: There were no yea and nay votes, and there were no 
recorded votes. There were no quorum calls.

[[Page D15]]

Adjournment: The House met at 10 a.m. and adjourned at 3:40 p.m.

Committee Meetings
  No committee meetings were held.

Joint Meetings
  No joint committee meetings were held.


                            JANUARY 9, 2009

        (Committee meetings are open unless otherwise indicated)


  Committee on Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions: to hold 
hearings to examine the nomination of Hilda L. Solis to be Secretary 
of Labor, 9:30 a.m., SD-430.


  Committee on Financial Services, to meet to discuss ``FHA 
Oversight of Loan Originators,'' 10 a.m., 2128 Rayburn.


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[[Page D16]]


                       Next Meeting of the SENATE
                       10 a.m., Friday, January 9

                             Senate Chamber
Program for Friday: Senate will be in a period of morning business.

              Next Meeting of the HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES
                       9 a.m., Friday, January 9

                             House Chamber
Program for Friday: Consideration of H.R. 11--Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay 
Act of 2009 (Subject to a Rule) and H.R. 12--Paycheck Fairness Act 
(Subject to a Rule).

            Extensions of Remarks, as inserted in this issue
Barton, Joe, Tex., E45
Bishop, Timothy H., N.Y., E43, E46, E50
Boswell, Leonard L., Iowa, E46
Buyer, Steve, Ind., E41, E44, E45, E47, E48, E50
Costa, Jim, Calif., E49, E51
Dingell, John D., Mich., E49
Granger, Kay, Tex., E41
Hastings, Alcee L., Fla., E45
Herseth Sandlin, Stephanie, S.D., E49
Hoyer, Steny H., Md., E42, E42, E51
Jackson, Jesse L., Jr., Ill., E47
Johnson, Eddie Bernice, Tex., E42, E48
Kirk, Mark Steven, Ill., E42, E48, E50
Lee, Barbara, Calif., E46
McNerney, Jerry, Calif., E46
Matheson, Jim, Utah, E46
Mitchell, Harry E., Ariz., E43
Radanovich, George, Calif., E42, E47, E50
Rangel, Charles B., N.Y., E48
Rohrabacher, Dana, Calif., E47
Schiff, Adam B., Calif., E44
Scott, David, Ga., E41
Wilson, Joe, S.C., E43
Wolf, Frank R., Va., E41
Young, C.W. Bill, Fla., E45