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Agroecology: a scientific discipline that uses ecological theory to study, design, manage and evaluate agricultural systems that are productive but also resource conserving. More about Agroecology


(new!) Agroecology Videos

Miguel Altieri - project leader

Agroecology: concepts & principles

Agroecology and the search for a truly sustainable agriculture
(new book) Miguel A. Altieri and Clara I. Nicholls

How to Teach Agroecology: A Proposal
Miguel A. Altieri

Designing sustainable agroecosystems
Miguel A. Altieri, Deborah K. Letourneau and James R. Davis

Agroecology: principles and strategies for designing sustainable farming systems.
Miguel A. Altieri

An agroecological perspective to guide graduate educational programs in agricultural economics and rural development in Latin America of the XXI Century
Miguel A. Altieri

Agroecology: A New Research and Development
Paradigm for World Agriculture

Miguel A. Altieri

Agroecology and pest management

Effects of crop diversification levels and fertilization regimes on abundance of Brevicoryne brassicae (L.) and its parasitization by Diaeretiella rapae (M’Intosh) in broccoli
Luig Ponti, Miguel A. Altieri, Andrew P. Gutierrez

Manipulating vineyard biodiversity for improved insect pest management: case studies from northern California
Miguel A. Altieri, Luigi Ponti, Clara I. Nicholls

Agroecology: contributions towards a renewed ecological foundation for pest management
Clara I. Nicholls and Miguel A. Altieri

Manage insects on your farm
(new book)
Miguel A. Altieri and Clara I. Nicholls with Marlene Fritz

Ecological engineering for pest management
(new book)
Edited by:
Geoff M Gurr, University of Sydney
Steve D Wratten Lincoln University, New Zealand
Miguel A Altieri University of California, Berkley, USA

Biodiversity and pest management in agroecosystems
(new book) Miguel A. Altieri and Clara I. Nicholls

Biological control and agricultural modernization: Towards resolution of some contradictions
Miguel A. Altieri, Peter M. Rosset and Clara I. Nicholls

Soil fertility management and insect pests: harmonizing soil and plant health in agroecosystems

Reducing the abundance of leafhoppers and thrips in a northern California organic vineyard through maintenance of full season floral diversity with summer cover crops. Clara I. Nicholls, Michael P. Parrella, Miguel A. Altieri

The effects of a vegetational corridor on the abundance and dispersal of insect biodiversity within a northern California organic vineyard - Abstract. Clara I. Nicholls, Michael Parrella, Miguel A. Altieri

Applying agroecological concepts to the development of Ecologically Pest Management strategies.

Indigenous and modern approaches to IPM in Latin America.

The Dynamics Of Colonizing Arthropod Communities At
The Interface Of Abandoned, Organic And Commercial
Apple Orchards And Adjacent Woodland Habitats

Miguel A. Altieri And Linda L. Schmidt

Artículos y libros en español

Agroecologia: creando sinergias para un agricultura sostenible

Agroecología, teoría y práctica para una agricultura sustentable

Agroecologia: bases cientificas para una agricultura sustentable

Aspectos socioculturales de la diversidad del maíz nativo

Agroecologia: principios y estrategias  para una agricultura sustentable en la America Latina del siglo XXI

Control biológico en agroecosistemas mediante el manejo de insectos entomófagos

Bases agroecológicas para el manejo de la biodiversidad en agroecosistemas: efectos sobre plagas y enfermedades

Sistema agroecologico rápido de evaluación de calidad de suelo y salud de cultivos en el agroecosistema de café

Biotecnología agrícola: mitos, riesgos ambientales y alternativas

Manipulando la bodiversidad vegetal para incrementar el control biológico de insec-tos plaga: un estudio de caso de un viñedo orgánico en el Norte de California

Entrevistas en español

Entrevista con Miguel Altieri: Un promotor de la agroecología

Entrevista a Miguel Altieri, agronomo y profesor de la Universidad de California, Berkley: 'Antes saqueaban el oro y ahora hacen lo mismo con los genes' (I)

Una respuesta agroecológica al problema del monocultivo en la Argentina - una entrevista al profesor Miguel Altieri, Universidad de California, Berkeley

Una agricultura con objetivos sociales, económicos y ecológicos, entrevista a Clara Nicholls.


Agroecology and small farmers in the developing world

Enduring farms: climate change, smallholders and traditional farming communities

Small farms as a planetary ecological asset: five key reasons why we should support the revitalisation of small farms in the global south

Sustainable rural development

Ten reasons shy the Rockefeller and the Bill and Melinda Gates foundations’ alliance for another Green Revolution will not solve the problems of poverty and hunger in Sub-Saharan Africa

Agroecology: the science of natural resource management for poor farmers in marginal environments

The simplification of traditional vineyard based agroforests in northwestern Portugal: some ecological implications

Applying agroecology to enhance the productivity of peasant farming systems in Latin America.

Multifunctional dimensions of ecologically-based agriculture in Latin America.

The potential of agroecology to combat hunger in the developing world

Sustainable agricultural development in Latin
America: exploring the possibilities

Miguel A. Altieri

Ethnoscience and biodiversity: key elements in
the design of sustainable pest management
systems for small farmers in developing countries

Miguel A. Altieri

Agroecology and modern agriculture

Agroecology: environmentally sound and socially just alternatives to the industrial farming model
[ part 1 | part 2 | part 3 ]

The ecological and social tragedy of crop-based biofuel production in the Americas

Fatal harvest: old and new dimensions of the ecological tragedy of modern agriculture

Ecological Impacts of Modern Agriculture in the United States and Latin America

Ecological Impacts of Chile's Neoliberal Policies, with Special Emphasis on Agroecosystems

Modern Agriculture: Ecological impacts and the possibilities for truly sustainable farming.

Agroecological foundations of alternative
agriculture in California

Miguel A. Altieri

Agroecology and biodiversity

Agroecology versus ecoagriculture

The ecological role of biodiversity in agroecosystems


Looking at agriculture in a holistic way
Miguel Altieri says eating is ecological, political act

For an agriculture that doesnt get rid of farmers
An interview with Miguel Altieri. By JoAnn Kawell

Una respuesta agroecológica al problema del monocultivo en la Argentina, una entrevista al profesor Miguel Altieri.

A Conversation with Miguel Altieri A messenger from the South brings word to the North: There's a better way to feed the world By Russell Schoch

Miguel Altieri and Peter Mann, discuss questions and concerns about sustainable food production required to feed a growing world population. Listen to the interview
Host: Jane Rogers

Agroecology and biotechnology

GM soybean: Latin America’s new coloniser
Miguel A. Altieri & Walter Pengue

Transgenic crops, agrobiodiversity, and agroecosystem function

Ten Reasons why Biotechnology will not Ensure Food Security, Protect the Environment and Reduce Poverty in the Developing World
Miguel A. Altieri & Peter Rosset

Socio-Cultural Aspects of Native Maize Diversity

Worldwatch - Biotechnology (Audio Clips)
Miguel Altieri - Audio Clip 6 (5 min)

The Ecological impact of transgenic crops on agroecosystem health.

The Myths of Agricultural Biotechnology: some ethical questions.

Food First Special Report no. 1: Genetic Engineering in Agriculture: The Myths, Environmental Risks, and Alternatives


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