
What to to when you need help.

Yihaw Folder FAQ Frequently Asked Questions. This is a collection of selected repeatable answers given by the GBIF Helpdesk. (Under development)
Yihaw Folder Training The GBIF Training Programme (UNDER DEVELOPMENT)
Yihaw Folder Travel guidelines Rules and forms needed for reimbursement of costs and other related practicalities. Reimbursement always requires a written travel order, i.e., an invitation.
Yihaw URL Become a data provider
Yihaw URL GB documents [login] Link to the document storage area of the GBIF Governing Board in CIRCA
Yihaw URL GB15 Website of the 15th meeting of the GBIF Governing Board, Arusha, Tanzania, 1-7 November 2008
Yihaw HTML Document Helpdesk answers all questions related to use of the GBIF network and processes related requests
Yihaw URL Helpdesk

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