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NRCS Recognized for EWP Project

Carlos Suarez accepts the certificate of recognition for NRCS L-30 canal EWP work (NRCS photo -- click to enlarge)

Carlos Suarez accepts the certificate of recognition for NRCS L-30 canal EWP work (NRCS photo -- click to enlarge)

Florida NRCS State Conservationist Carlos Suarez and State Conservation Engineer Jesse Wilson were on hand for the Lake Worth Drainage District recognition of NRCS technical and Emergency Watershed Protection (EWP) financial assistance provided for the L-30 Canal project.  The L-30 Canal was damaged from Hurricane Wilma. 

Carlos Suarez accepted the certificate of recognition for NRCS and addressed the Board thanking them for their excellent sponsorship.  “Cooperation between our field and engineering staffs, working closely with the Lake Worth Drainage district made this a success.  We appreciate the district recognizing the work that we did,” Suarez said.  Canal banks were stabilized by the installation of 5,400 linear feet of concrete revetments along the banks of the canal.  Lake Worth Drainage District has a population of over 750,000 and over 500 miles of drainage canals in their jurisdiction.

Residents who live along this canal and others who live near canals drained by the L-30 can rest assured that the work completed by NRCS in conjunction with its sponsor, the Lake worth Drainage District, will protect them from future storms.
Your contact is NRCS public affairs specialist Bob Stobaugh at 352-338-9565.