PKI and Digital Signatures: From E-Commerce to E-Information Management

A Symposium Sponsored by CENDI
Hosted by the National Library of Medicine
Natcher Center Auditorium
National Institutes of Health
Bethesda, MD

June 13, 2001


8:30 am

Workshop Registration

9:00 am

Welcome and Logistics John Sullivan, Co-Chair, CENDI IT Security Working Group, Conference Moderator, National Library of Medicine

Welcome from CENDI Kent Smith, CENDI Chair and Deputy Director, National Library of Medicine

Welcome from the National Library of Medicine Dr. Donald Lindberg Director, National Library of Medicine

9:30 am

The Nuts and Bits of PKI Mark Silverman, Center for Information Technology, National Institutes of Health

10:30 am


10:45 am

Developing a Federal Public Key Infrastructure Peter Alterman, Ph.D., Acting Director, Federal Bridge Certification Authority and Senior Advisor to the Chair, Federal PKI Steering Committee

11:45 am

Lunch (on your own)

1:15 pm

The Government Paperwork Elimination Act & E-Sign: The Intersection of Technology and E-Government Policies Jonathan Womer, Office of Management and Budget

2:00 pm

Records Management: Management Now and in the Future Susan Cummings, National Archives and Records Administration, Policy and Communications Staff

2:45 pm

Delivering Digitally Signed Documents via the Web Keren Cummins, Digital Signature Trust, Inc.

3:30 pm


3:45 pm

Panel Discussion: Digital Signatures in the STI Life Cycle

(Experts in various aspects of the scientific and technical information life cycle will comment on the application of PKI and digital signatures to scientific and technical information management. Key questions will include the impact that digital signatures/PKI might have on the life cycle of STI. Are there special issues related to the use of this technology? What are the opportunities and what are the challenges?)

William Anderson Ph.D., Social Solutions, Inc.
Robert Shepanek Ph.D., EPA/Office of Research and Development
Stewart Wills, Ph.D., Editor, Science Online
Richard Tremblay, Defense Technical Information Center
Trudi Bellardo-Hahn, User Services, Engineering and Physical Sciences Library, University of Maryland
Gail Hodge, CENDI Secretariat (Moderator)

4:45 pm

Wrap Up Allan Astley, Co-chair, CENDI IT Security Working Group, Defense Technical Information Center

5:00 pm


Presentation Abstracts Participant Biographies Overview

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