Welcome to the GBIF Data Portal

Access millions of data records shared via the GBIF network.
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Version 1.2.2 - click here to see what is new!

Explore Species

Find data for a species or other group of organisms.


Information on species and other groups of plants, animals, fungi and micro-organisms, including species occurrence records, as well as classifications and scientific and common names.

Example species:

Puma concolor (Linnaeus, 1771)

Explore Datasets

Find data from a data provider, dataset or data network.


Information on the data providers, datasets and data networks that share data through GBIF, including summary information on 7744 datasets from 275 data providers.

Latest dataset added:

Long-term decline in krill stock and increase in salps within the Southern Ocean (SCAR-MarBIN: Antarctic OBIS)

Explore Countries

Find data on the species recorded in a particular country.


Information on the species recorded in each country, including records shared by providers from throughout the GBIF network.

See data for:

United States