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Office of the Under Secretary

Allan R. Johnson, Deputy Under Secretary for Rural DevelopmentBio for Allan R. Johnson
Deputy Under Secretary
Rural Development
U.S. Department of Agriculture

Allan R. Johnson was appointed to serve as Deputy Under Secretary for Rural Development on
September 12, 2005. Johnson serves in a leadership role by assisting Agriculture Under Secretary for Rural Development Thomas Dorr in carrying out Rural Development's mission to support economic activity and improve the quality of life for rural residents. Previously, Johnson served as Director of Legislative and Public Affairs at USDA Rural Development. He was appointed to that position in 2003.

Before joining Rural Development, Johnson was active in agricultural publishing and public affairs for over 30 years. He served as President of Farm Progress Companies, the leading farm publisher in the US that publishes the Oregon Farmer Stockman and Prairie Farmer as well as produces the Farm Progress Show. The company grew from seven publications to 39 publications during his tenure as president. Farm Progress was owned by American Broadcasting Company, The Walt Disney Company and Rural Press Limited, Sydney, Australia.

Johnson retired from Farm Progress companies in June 2000. He entered into a consulting arrangement with Achieva, Inc., a leading Public Affairs firm specializing in agriculture issues, primarily biotechnology and conservation. He served in this capacity until his appointment to USDA.

He was named Ag Communicator of the Year by the National AgriMarketing Association, the industries leading trade organization. He has been very involved with FFA during his career and was recognized for this service with the Honorary American Farm Degree and the Distinguished Service Citation from the National FFA Organization.

A US Army veteran, Johnson served in Vietnam. He is a graduate of North Dakota State University with a degree in Agronomy and was recognized by his Alma Mater with their Master Alumni Award in 1998 and inducted into the Hall of Fame of Epsilon Chapter of Alpha Gamma Rho Fraternity at NDSU.

He has held numerous industry leadership positions including Chairman of the Farm Foundation Board of Trustees, President of the Equipment Manufacturers Institute Suppliers Council, Chairman of the FFA Foundation Sponsor's Board, President of the Agricultural Publishers Association, and Grand President of Alpha Gamma Rho Fraternity.

Johnson owns his family's century farm near Almont, North Dakota and resides with his wife Sara and their two sons in St. Charles, Illinois.

(September 2005)

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