Image of Sheyenne Valley of North Dakota in Griggs-Steele EZ

Photo taken in the Sheyenne Valley of North Dakota in Griggs-Steele EZ.

Welcome to the Web site for the Rural Community Empowerment Program. This program represents a significant departure from traditional federal assistance programs:

Since the Congress created the empowerment program in 1993, 57 rural Empowerment Zones and Enterprise Communities, over 100 Champion Communities, and 5 Rural Economic Area Partnership (REAP) Zones have been established. Altogether, they have created or saved nearly 28,000 jobs and have raised an aggregate of more than $17 for every dollar granted to them at the time of their designation.

This Web site describes the Rural Community Empowerment Program, describes the activities and accomplishments of participating rural communities, and offers access to resources that may be helpful to all rural communities that seek to enhance the quality of their futures. We hope you will find it useful, and we invite your comments and suggestions.

Last Updated: 03/15/2006

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