Some less common uses of medicinal herbs : The results of recent Ethnobotanical surveys conducted in Southern Chhattisgarh, India

Research Note - Pankaj Oudhia
© 2001,2002,2003 Pankaj Oudhia - All Rights Reserved

The traditional healers of Bhopalpatnam region are keeping close view on increasing infestation and spread of Rice swarming caterpillar in the region. They informed that when they go into grass on their bicycles, the caterpillars burst like crackers due to pressure of wheels and according to them, one can hear this bursting sound upto several kilometers. This endless sound indicates its presence in great number. They have taken it as challenge and engaged in search of medicinal uses of these caterpillars. They further informed that the climate of Bhopalpatnam is moist and a boon for many common pest. In my previous article, I mentioned that the traditional healers avoid the use of Keukand (Costus speciosus) alone as aphrodisiac because it produces many side effects. From recent surveys, I got new information on method that can be used to reduce its harmful effects. The traditional healers of Bhopalpatnam region informed that before using Keukand roots it should be kept inside the moist soil for two to three hours. The soil has capacity to absorb its harmful chemicals. The clay soil is preferred. After completion of treatment, the healers wash the roots and use it in treatment of common diseases. They claimed that after this simple treatment roots remain no longer full of toxic materials. This simple method is not mentioned in reference literatures. Through this article I would like to request the researchers to standardize the method and to conduct further studies. Many such information, I have noted during my recent Ethnobotanical survey in Southern parts of Chhattisgarh. I have used the term 'less common' because most of the information is limited to few healers and in absence of documentation, we are loosing this valuable traditional knowledge. Karanj is a common tree in this region. To alleviate any type of pain, the healers use the seeds in special way. The healers collect the seeds and dry it in shade. When patients having pain visit to them, they burn the seeds and instruct the patients to inhale the fumes. According to them, the fumes are promising pain killer. Many healers add Tamakhu (Tobacco) with Karanj seeds in order to make the fumes more effective but according to them, in simple cases, Karanj seeds have enough capacity to cure the problem. The healers further informed me about the utility of Karanj roots to hasten the process of delivery. Its roots are used as the roots of Chirchita (Achyranthes aspera), I have already mentioned in my previous articles about Chirchita, but instead of tieing it on waist or putting inside the hairs, Karanj roots are tied in ankle of left leg. The red string is used to tie it. After delivery, it is removed immediately in order to stop the exit of placenta. According to the healers, this use is effective but not popular these days. Many healers suggest to keep the roots in pouch prepared by using goat skin in order to get more powerful effects. In general, the roots used once are not used again but the healers using goat skin pouch, informed that the same roots can be used again and again but it must be kept inside the pouch in lean period. The senior healers accepted that they are not much aware of selection procedure of potential roots. In general, the roots spreading in north direction are collected. As all roots do not show desirable effect, the healers believe that there must be some specific methods to identify the potential herb in nature but unfortunately this knowledge has not been transferred properly from their forefathers. The modern science can help the healers in this field. Young researchers ! This is one more aspect on which you can focus your future research. The scientific name of Karanj is Pongamia pinnata (family : Leguminosae). For its botany, reported and other traditional uses, please read my previous articles. As you know, in plains of Chhattisgarh, the traditional healers and natives use the latex of Fudhar (Calotropis gigantea) to remove the thorn entered inside the skin. The latex is applied in effected part. Due to its effect the skin become soften and the thorn comes out smoothly. The natives also use the gel to Dhikuar (Aloe vera) for the same purpose. From recent surveys, I got information that the roots of Jhagadhin Lata can be used in same way. The roots are mixed in water and an aqueous paste is prepared. This aqueous paste is applied externally on affected parts. The scientific name of Jhagadhin is Gloriosa superba. The meaning of Jhagadhin is the root of fighting or dispute. It is common belief in this region, that the presence of this herb in surroundings is a cause of fighting tensions and disputes. This is the reason the natives do not plant this herb in home gardens. Jhagadhin is a rich source of Colchicine and it is one of the toxic plants. Possibly, this is the reason, our forefathers aware of its harmful and toxic roots, have associated this belief with this herb. In case of Amenorrhoea, the traditional healers use, the roots in combination with other herbs mainly Chirchita (Achyranthes aspera) and Indrayan (Citrullus sp.) Roots, externally. The three roots are mixed in equal proportion and powder is prepared. This powder is kept inside the female genitals. The traditional healers and natives take special precaution during its internal and external use. Its use is avoided in case of patients having poor vital force. It is not given during pregnancy as its wrong use can result in abortion. I have mentioned in previous articles, that the traditional healer of Mudpar village use the roots of ornamental herb Rajnigandha externally in treatment of snake bite. The traditional healers of Bastar region use the roots of Giloi (Tinospora cordifolia) in same way. I am eagerly waiting for the results of healer's experiments on Rice swarming caterpillar. Its infestation in wonder crop Safed Musli is becoming problematic. I am confident that after discovery of its medicinal uses, it will be very easy to manage this insect in crop fields.

Thank you very much for reading the article.