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Home > Inside Heifer > Board of Directors

Board of Directors

Heifer International Board of Directors is comprised of Covenant Agency representatives, international representatives and representatives from Heifer International Foundation.

Efraín Díaz Arrivillaga, Americas Regional Representative

Andrew Kang Bartlett, Covenant Agency: Presbyterian Hunger Program

Alejandra Caballero, North America Regional Representative

Kathleen Campanella, Covenant Agency: Church of the Brethren

Fu Changxiu, Asia/South Pacific Regional Representative

Miller Davis, Chair, Heifer International Foundation Trustees

Susan Fulton, Mid-Atlantic Regional Representative

Julia Hall-Wilson, Mid-West Regional Representative

Don Hammond, Northeast Regional Representative

Ladislav Hetényi, Central Eastern Europe Regional Representative

James Howell, Vice-Chair, Heifer International Foundation Trustees

Franklin Ishida, Covenant Agency: Evangelical Lutheran Church in America - Global Mission

Stephen A. Mondora, Chair, Southeast Regional Representative

Johnson Nkuuhe, Africa Regional Representative

Susan Sanders, Covenant Agency: United Church of Christ

Doug Smith, Vice Chair and Covenant Agency: Christian Church (Disciples of Christ)

Charles Stewart, Immediate Past Chair, Central Regional Representative

Gary Tabasinske, Northwest Regional Representative

Arlene Withers, Southwest Regional Representative



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