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Retrieving Wadeable Streams Assessment Data

The Wadeable Streams Assessment (WSA) is a first-ever statistically-valid survey of the biological condition of small streams throughout the U.S. The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) worked with the states to conduct the assessment in 2004-2005.

Data for each parameter sampled in the Wadeable Streams Assessment (WSA) are available for downloading in a series of files as comma separated values (*.csv). Each *.csv data file has a companion text file (*.txt) that lists a dataset label and individual descriptions for each variable. Users should view the *.txt files first to help guide their understanding and use of the data.

Wadeable Streams Assessment (WSA) (ZIP) (4.3MB)

Individual files from WSA available for download:

Name of Variable Download File
(.csv file)
Description of Variable
(.txt file)
Bank geometry and substrate measurements bankgeometry.csv bankgeometry.txt
Benthic macroinvertebrate counts benthiccounts.csv benthiccounts.txt
Benthic macroinvertebrate metrics bentichmetrics.csv bentichmetrics.txt
Canopy cover measured by densiometer canopycover.csv canopycover.txt
Channel constraint data channelconstraint.csv channelconstraint.txt
Field chemistry (cond., DO, temp.) fieldchemistry.csv fieldchemistry.txt
In-channel fish cover ratings fishcover.csv fishcover.txt
Large woody debris counts largewoody.csv largewoody.txt
Legacy tree data legacytree.csv legacytree.txt
Legacy tree metrics legacytreemetrics.csv legacytreemetrics.txt
Mesotransect substrate data mesosubstrate.csv mesosubstrate.txt
Periphyton chlorophyll data periphyton.csv periphyton.txt
Short list of best physical habitat metrics (subset of phabmet) phabbest.csv phabbest.txt

Physical habitat metrics

Rapid habitat assessment rapidhabassess.csv rapidhabassess.txt
Rapid habitat assessment metrics rapidhabmetrics.csv rapidhabmetrics.txt
Visual riparian estimates riparian.csv riparian.txt
Site/study information siteinfo.csv siteinfo.txt
Stream velocity streamvelocity.csv streamvelocity.txt
Thalweg data thalweg.csv thalweg.txt
Stream verification verification.csv verification.txt
Water chemistry waterchemistry.csv waterchemistry.txt
Watershed metrics watershedstressor.csv watershedstressor.txt


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