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Learning about the solutions to hunger and poverty can change lives ... including yours.

Read more about Dan Zanes and his work with Heifer.

Heifer International needs your commitment to help build a bountiful, just and sustainable world.
The 9.2 million families around the globe whom Heifer has empowered through gifts of livestock and agricultural training are evidence that a concentrated effort can make a difference

Hunger and poverty can be eliminated, forever.

But livestock is just one part of the solution. Animals could not have impacted so many lives without the support of caring people like you. This is why Heifer believes that educating the public in developed countries about hunger, poverty and sustainability is so important.

Inspired people take action.

Heifer International offers extraordinary opportunities for those here in our society to learn important lessons and be inspired to help end world hunger.On this site, you will encounter learning opportunities — school and community programs, volunteer possibilities and study tours — created by people deeply committed to ending poverty and world hunger. View each as a chance to provoke living change in yourself and others.


Feed your mind. Take Action. End hunger.           

Interactive Map
Explore current Heifer projects around the world.
world peace projects - interactive map

Visit a Heifer Learning Center
Heifer Ranch
Overlook Farm

Howell Nature Center
Shepherd's Spring

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Heifer Project International, 1 World Avenue, Little Rock, AR/USA 72202
Tel.: (800) 422-0474

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