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The ECAT Wiki

Welcome to the ECAT Wiki site!
- This site is used for discussions on the development of the 2007 - 2008 Work Programme for ECAT, The GBIF Electronic Catalogue of Names of Known Organisms and for putting together a long term strategy for ECAT

If this is your first visit, please take a look at this page

In the ECAT strategy, a number of issues urgently needs addressing. Please look at these questions and the document stubs below and provide comments or additions:
ECAT Wiki > ECAT Strategy > Strategies and tactics > Community Buy-In The involvement of the broader taxonomic community in the development of ECAT is essential to the success of ECAT. Enhancement of the community buy-in and the active targeting of certain barriers is essential. These topics can be broken down into a few headings: The creation of taxonimic data will mean new resources or a shi... [Read more ]
ECAT Wiki > ECAT Strategy > Strategies and tactics > Download of Data Sets "Development of catalogues suitable for addition to ECAT, especially the larger GSDs, would be facilitated by ‘Startup Kits’. These would include a guide to Best Practice (and ECAT requirements) and the potential for download of large subsets of Nomenclator data such as a complete dump of all data pertaining to a given ... [Read more ]
- This site is used for discussions on the development of the 2007 - 2008 Work Programme for ECAT, The GBIF Electronic Catalogue of Names of Known Organisms and for putting together a long term strategy for ECAT __If this is your first visit, please take a look at this page__ - The 2007 - 2008 Work Programme discussions are found here ~& Please provide your comments here in the Wiki or on the... [Read more ]
ECAT Wiki > ECAT Strategy > Strategies and tactics > Harmonizing the Data When data from a large variety of different sources are brought together on the GBIF portal, certain mechanisms need to be in place in order to harmonize the data to present the users with a coherent view. Big and small discrepancies in the taxonomy will likely cause a lot of confusion. The portal can not make distinctions b... [Read more ]
ECAT Wiki > ECAT Strategy > Strategies and tactics > Multiple Taxonomies The need for handling multiple, incongruent taxonomies in the ECAT output is getting more and more apparent with the ability to link several data sources to the network. Users should be able to use "preferred" taxonomies with the name and consept data they view or download. This is going to be handled at various levels of the... [Read more ]
Please consider: 1) Is the Vision clear and comprehensive enough, how much specificity should it have in order to “sell” the strategy in the best way? I a superficial aspiration better than very detailed targets at this place? 2) As mentioned under Concerns and key issues it is necessary to increase the speed of development of ECAT. Which are the mechanisms that we should emphasize... [Read more ]
ECAT Wiki > ECAT Strategy > Strategies and tactics > Sources of names In order to describe and characterize name and concept information the following categories of data providers can be established. Attributing data with its provider source category could serve in assesments of fitness for use. To ensure that data from these sources may be accessed through GBIF, good working relationships and act... [Read more ]

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