 Annual FIA Data Analysis Tool
Related Links:  FIADB Visualization Gforest

SOLE: The Southern On Line Estimator

SOLE is on-line software that allows you to produce tables, graphs, maps and reports from annual forest inventory data (FIADB). It was initially developed under a cooperative agreement with the USFS Southern FIA unit and continues to be maintained and developed by NCASI. There are 2 access modes:

SOLE - JAVA version that provides a graphical interface  soleLite - HTML forms version, fully functional at state level. Best for slow internet connections. 
SOLE is based on FIADB data current as of 12/19/2008
SOLE logo


GForest provides a new Google Maps interface

for the SOLE analysis and mapping capabilities. GForest does not require JAVA and should run in most browsers. GForest also allows for more flexible filtering and data visualization. Try Gforest here.

The FIA plots used by SOLE, soleLite and Gforest are from the most recent evaluation group for each state.

Java Configuration:
  1. Both versions of SOLE return results in a new browser window.  You may need to disable your pop-up blocker for SOLE to work. 
  2. The JAVA version of SOLE requires JAVA 1.5+.  Your browser should automatically lead you through the download process.  However, if you start SOLE and do not see a map of the United States within less than 1 minute, click on the following JAVA icon...link to SUN java

and related software developed by
NCASI Statistics and Model Development Group


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