The Kansas Rural Center, Inc. (KRC) is a non-profit organization that promotes the long-term health of the land and its people through research, education, and advocacy.
The KRC cultivates grassroots support for public policies that encourage family farming and stewardship of soil and water. The KRC is committed to economically viable, environmentally sound, and socially sustainable rural culture.


Membership Information

Who We Are | Projects | Calendar & NewsPolicy & Advocacy
Heartland Network | Publications | Clean Water Farm Projects | Links

Kansas Food Policy Council | Wind Projects
 Website Index

© Copyright 2007, Kansas Rural Center. All rights reserved.
Questions about the KRC website may be directed to the Webmaster.


Saturday, January 17 -
Kansas Grazier's Association Annual Winter Conference
9 am - 4 pm in Assaria, KS

Friday, January 23, 2009 - Sustainability Conference
At K-State Student Union in Manhattan, KS

Friday-Saturday, February 6-7 - Annual Conference and Meeting of the Arkansas Farmer's Market Association
Cosmopolitan Hotel in downtown Fayetteville, Arkansas

Monday, February 9 - Grazing Management Telecall
Beginning at 7:30 PM

Thursday-Saturday, February 12-14 - Women Managing the Farm Conference
Grand Prairie Convention Center, Hutchinson KS

To learn about these and other upcoming events
 go to our Calendar web page.


Read the December issue of
the KRC Rural Papers

KRC Wind Energy Projects

2008 Report of
Kansas Food Security Task Force

Read the Clean Water Farm profile
of Kerry O'Brien

The Future of Food
in the Kansas River Valley

- proceedings of the May 31, 2008 conference in Lawrence