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The Great Ships Initiative (GSI) is currently offering research services to developers of treatment systems designed to minimize the presence of live organisms, including microbes and viruses, in ballast water discharge from ships. To further the efficiency of the research and development process for ballast treatment developers, during calendar year 2009, the GSI is partnering with the Maritime Environmental Resource Center (MERC) in the Chesapeake Bay to offer a highly comprehensive suite of research services spanning fresh, brackish and salt water source water systems. Qualified and interested applicants to GSI (or MERC) will be considered for research services at either or both GSI and MERC. The goal of this collaborative approach is to further the efficient and effective transition of treatments from concept and prototype to certification and routine operational use through combining and coordinating complementary resources and expertise at the respective research sites. To apply for these combined research and independent evaluation services, please continue reading.

Note: If you have an application pending to GSI or MERC for research services in 2009, you do not need to reapply for consideration in response to this joint call.

Specifically, GSI and MERC jointly offer:

General Research Services: These research services evaluate treatment effectiveness against a range of taxonomic and size categories of ambient organisms in fresh and brackish water at the bench, land-based and shipboard scales. They are applicable to candidate ballast treatment systems designed to surpass the standards contained in the IMO Convention and/or meet United States federal standards, once developed.

Estimated Review and Award Time-Frame

Applications submitted for General Research Services by:

- 5 PM EST October 31, 2008 qualify for November 24, 2008 award notification;
- 5 PM EST December 19, 2008 qualify for January 23, 2009 award notification.

Application Materials

Submission Process and a Note on Attachments

GSI and MERC will consider any complete applications that are submitted electronically using the “submit” button located at the end of the electronic application form (see application materials above). Clicking the “submit” button will automatically open the computer’s default email program and attach the application form to an already-addressed email. Attach supporting information and reference documents in PDF format to the same email prior to sending, or send attachments in a separate email(s) to if the email is larger than 7 MB in size. Alternatively, send large applications in their entire form to using a file delivery website such as

Clearly label all attachments with the application question to which they correspond and list them in the application in the spaces provided. To be considered, all applications must be accompanied by full author reference information and listed in the application form.

Applications will receive an email confirming their receipt within 48 hours of submission. Please email if you do not receive this confirmation email. Also, please email if you have any questions or problems submitting the application form and/or supporting attachment.

Award Information

Assuming developers of qualified systems respond to this solicitation, the GSI and MERC will award:

- Bench-scale testing services to up to eight (8) candidate treatment systems in fresh, brackish or full saltwater;
- Pilot-scale testing services at the GSI land-based test facility (freshwater) or MERC ship-based test facility (brackish water) to up to five (5) candidate treatment systems;
- Active shipboard testing services to no more than two (2) candidate systems.*

*Contingent upon available resources.

Candidate systems will be offered research services only if technical and programmatic criteria for receiving testing services are met.

Contact Information and Inquiries

Direct any questions regarding this solicitation or the application process by e-mail only to Allegra Cangelosi ( Please put "GSI and MERC Application Question" in the subject line. Applicant inquiries will be consolidated daily (without affiliation information) and responses sent to all interested applicants. To receive Daily Digests of these inquiries and our responses please contact Nicole Mays (

© Great Ships Initiative 2008