2008 - FLEPPC Kathy Craddock Burks Education and Outreach Grants


( Downloadable Microsoft Version )


Program Description and Eligibility

The Florida Exotic Pest Plant Council is soliciting grant proposals for non-native invasive plant education and outreach projects in the State of Florida. The intent of these grants is to provide funding to organizations or individuals who wish to educate the public about non-native invasive plants and their effects on the environment and economy of
Florida. Proposals will be accepted

from individuals, public or private nonprofit organizations, and academic institutions.

Evaluation Criteria -
Award preference will be given to proposals that meet the following criteria:

􀂃 Involve a plant or plants listed on the FLEPPC 2007 List of Invasive Plant Species (found on www.fleppc.org);

􀂃 Educational message will reach a large segment of the community;

􀂃 Include partnerships (please specify type and degree of involvement for partner entities);

􀂃 Demonstrate matching funds or in-kind contributions;

􀂃 Increase local community awareness of non-native plants through local charettes, volunteer events, web site development, and distribution of educational materials;

􀂃 Evaluate the project success through process or outcome evaluation;

􀂃 Heighten community awareness about non-native invasive plant identification, control, and prevention;

􀂃 First time applicants and new projects, although repeat applicants will be considered.

Grants may not be used to fund food or beverages, capital expense items (sprayers, chain saws, machinery, herbicide), or large-scale herbicide application activities.  Requests for funding should not exceed $1,000.00 and all funds awarded are to be used within

one year of receipt. If full funding is not available, partial funding may be awarded.  Applicant/organization must present a summary of results at the FLEPPC annual meeting (poster or presentation) or provide a summary article for Wildland Weeds, the FLEPPC quarterly magazine.


The deadline for proposal submission is March 1, 2008

The FLEPPC Education Committee will review all grants and award letters will be sent via electronic mail by May 1, 2008.

For further information, contact:

Jennifer Possley

Fairchild Tropical Botanic Garden

Email: jpossley@fairchildgarden.org

Phone: 305-667-1651, ext. 3433

Fax: 305-665-8032





Instructions: Send completed application to jpossley@fairchildgarden.org before March 1, 2008.



























Contact Person

















































































Project Title















Project Type (Choose One)


Event              Publication              Display                Other 













Total Request















2.  PROJECT DESCRIPTION  - Use the space below to summarize your project and provide further information.  The length of this entire document should not exceed 5 pages.  


Restate Project Title:  


Project Summary (<100 Words):   


Project budget.  Indicate a breakdown of uses for your requested funds (maximum $1000).  An example is provided.  You may supply this information as an Excel spreadsheet if desired (if you intend to do so, please indicate that here).

Printing                         $500

Laminating                    $100

Gloves                          $50

Trash bags                    $100

TOTAL                          $750


Where will the project be located?  Include the county and city name and more specific directions. Applicants may provide a letter of support from the land owner, if applicable.  


What are the FLEPPC Target Plant(s)?  


Who is the target audience?  


What is your method of implementation?  


What is your timeline for completion?  


Summarize your expected results    


Describe how you will evaluate success at reaching your target audience.     


Describe collaborating organizations and their contributions (please include contact information for all partner organizations)


Describe prior activities that may help you to accomplish this project, if applicable.  



Thank you for your application

Send completed application to jpossley@fairchildgarden.org before March 1, 2008

 Awardees will be announced by March 17, 2008