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Class Details: Please scroll down to view additional class dates
Class: FWS-2009-0420-NCTC WLD2139
Class Dates: 04/20/2009 - 04/24/2009   M Tu W Tr F
Class Times: 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM
Course: Field Techniques for Invasive Plant Management
Course Code: FWS-WLD2139
Course Description: This course introduces participants to invasive plant management at the field level. Instruction will include invasive plant ecology; road maintenance and its influence on the introduction and distribution of invasives; mapping and monitoring invasive plants; invasive control methods; the proper and safe use of recommended equipment; and applicable Refuge System policy. Other topics include preparing pesticide use proposals, interpreting herbicide labels, and identifying Best Management Practices. College Credit: 2 semester hours.
Categories: Natural Resource Management
Course Objectives: o Identify the characteristics of invasive plants and describe their impacts on the landscape;
o List and describe invasive plant vectors and pathways;
Understand FWS policy for pesticide use, including applicable laws and authorities and certification requirements;
o Interpret pesticide labels and identify elements required for Pesticide Use Proposals;
o Recognize and record invasive plant sites on the landscape using North American Weed Management Association standards;
o Conduct a site evaluation, including identifying target species and discerning proper control method(s) and timing regimes for effective invasive plant control;
o Demonstrate ability to develop and maintain a record keeping system for invasive plant treatment; and
o Demonstrate proper selection and use of equipment, including calibration of dispensing equipment and application of herbicides according to product labels and guidelines.
Target Audience: Refuge managers, biologists, Managers, biologists, other refuge staff (especially refuge maintenance staff), and natural resource professionals who are interested in beginning or expanding an invasive plant management program.
General Information:
Course Tuition: $950.00
Classroom (Location): 218L Biology Lab (National Conservation Training Center (NCTC))
Primary Contact:
Phone:   304-876-7442
Secondary Contact:
Phone:   406-243-4627
Other Contact: Not Available
Students Registered: 4 of 30
Prerequisites: None
*-Denotes a required field.