Coastal Services Center

National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration

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For the Expert: Systematic Approach to Coastal Ecosystem Restoration

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H.L. Diefenderfer and R.M. Thom
Battelle Marine Sciences Laboratory
Sequim, Washington

J.E. Adkins
NOAA Coastal Services Center
Charleston, South Carolina

September 2003

Prepared for

National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
Coastal Services Center


Battelle Memorial Institute
Pacific Northwest Division
Richland, Washington 99352

Contract EA1330-02-RQ-0029
Battelle Contract 44188


This paper presents a systematic approach to coastal restoration projects in five phases: planning, implementation, performance assessment, adaptive management, and dissemination of results. Twenty features of the iterative planning process, applicable in a variety of coastal habitats, are synthesized from restoration project experience and the literature. The planning process starts with a vision, a description of the ecosystem and landscape, and goals. A conceptual model and planning objectives are developed, a site is selected, and numerical models contribute to preliminary designs as needed. Performance criteria and reference sites are selected and the monitoring program is designed. The monitoring program is emphasized as a tool to assess project performance and identify problems affecting progression toward project goals, in an adaptive management framework. Key approaches to aspects of the monitoring program are reviewed and detailed with project examples. Within the planning process, cost analysis involves budgeting, scheduling, and financing. Finally, documentation is peer reviewed prior to making construction plans and final costing.

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