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6th International Symposium on Rice Functional Genomics

To facilitate new collaborative international research to advance knowledge of the finished rice genome sequence for crop improvement, funding from the CSREES Plant Genome Program and the National Science Foundation will provide partial support for graduate students, postdoctoral fellows, and junior principle investigators working in U.S. institutions to attend the 6th International Symposium on Rice Functional Genomics to be held in Jeju Republic of Korea, November 10-12, 2008. 

This support can be used for registration fees, lodging, or airfare expenses.  Applicants should send their C.V., abstract of research to be presented (optional but preferred), and cover letter with justification to V. Sundaresan, University of California, Davis.  Members of underrepresented groups wishing to attend this symposium are especially encouraged to apply.  Symposium speakers include leading scientists from the international rice research community to discuss recent advances in functional genomics, stress and disease, growth and development, and breeding for food security.  The range of expertise provides a stimulating venue for young investigators to discuss their research and foster future collaborations.


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Last Updated: 10/20/2008