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The Integrated Electronics Engineering Center (IEEC), which was established in 1991, pursues research in electronics packaging. This field deals with the process of bringing a semiconductor chip, with its resident circuitry, to a form that can be integrated effectively into a larger microelectronics assembly. Most electronics industry experts believe that advances in electronics performance are limited principally by the current state of the art in packaging technology. The market push for greater functional power in smaller and smaller spaces can only be met through increases in packaging density and integration levels of microchips.

Our Mission

To perform leading edge research in electronics packaging and transfer results to the New York State and U.S. packaging industries.


To foster economic development.

To strengthen the electronics packaging industry in New York State and the U.S.



The IEEC's vision is that the United States will regain international pre-eminence in electronics manufacturing, especially in the electronics packaging and assembly field. The IEEC recognizes that their industrial sponsors are among the most proficient practitioners of these skills and that the IEEC has contributed to their competence.

Image of the S 3 I P Logo  

Contact Information


Ph: (607) 777-4332
FAX: (607) 777-4683

Postal address:
Binghamton University - IEEC

P.O. Box 6000
Vestal Pkwy. East
Binghamton, NY

Electronic mail General




Some of Our Clients

General Electric Logo
BAE Systems Logo
IBM Logo
Analog Devices Logo
Copyright © 2000 [IEEC]. All rights reserved. Revised: 12/07/08 . Binghamton University  Web Logo
New York State Office of Science, Technologyy and Academic Research Electronics Manufacturing Research and Services