NASA Aerospace Technology News
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NASA Headquarters Responsible Official: Tony Springer

SAIC Information Services

Welcome to NASA's Aerospace Technology Newsletter

This bimonthly newsletter highlights selected items from NASA aeronautics research so that industry, government agencies, universities and the public understand what NASA is doing to improve air travel, make aviation safer and conduct the research needed for the future of aviation. It also showcases promising technologies for lowering the cost of sending a payload into orbit, with experimental vehicles such as the X-43A. Each issue contains articles about upcoming events, research and technologies, updates on what is occurring within the Aeronautics Research Mission Directorate (ARMD), announcements and features on NASA project personnel. The front page has overviews of the entire newsletter for your perusal.

Aeronautics Technology Features include articles on technology research.

Upcoming Events includes activities being sponsored and/or attended by Aeronautics Research Mission Directorate personnel.

Update involves items directly related to the Aeronautics Research Mission Directorate.

Additional Features includes both Announcements and Who's Who in the NASA ARMD

Announcements include announcements being made by NASA, involving NASA, and/or activities that have been brought to the public's attention by NASA.

Who's Who in the NASA ARMD? gives a more personal view of the people involved with NASA's aeronautics technology research and development.

In addition, the newsletter has its own search engine, a searchable archives page for past articles, a links page ccontaining links to NASA ARMD Centers and other sites of interest, an opportunity for feedback, and an opportunity for readers to subscribe to an email reminder of the newest newsletter issue.

If you have comments about the newsletter, please visit our Feedback Page. Let us know what topics, issues and people you would like to see covered in future issues.