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BASF Professional Vegetation Management Invasive Vegetation Management Matching Grant Program
Request for Proposals 2007

BASF Professional Vegetation Management (ProVM) is seeking proposals for the 2007 Invasive Vegetation Management (IVM) Matching Grant Program. BASF ProVM seeks to aid resource managers with science-based plans for invasive weed management in achieving success and maximizing available funding opportunities.

The goal of the grant program is to aid organizations in meeting matching fund requirements for federal or foundation grants, specifically to support the use of herbicides in an IVM program. BASF ProVM funding can be utilized as non-federal matching funds for state, federal or foundation grants.

The grant program provides a total of $300,000 as non-federal matching funds for on-the-ground programs that include herbicide use for control of terrestrial or aquatic invasive plants. Typical individual grants average $10,000 to $30,000. Funding must be applied to the labor associated with operational invasive plant control herbicide programs.

Proposals MUST BE FAXED to Kellie Judge at 314-667-3222 no later than 5 p.m. Central time, Thursday, July 12, 2007. Proposals received after the deadline will not be considered for funding.


Eligible recipients include:

  • State, county and municipal governments
  • Not-for-profit/nonprofit organizations
  • Professional, lake and landowner associations
  • Invasive Species Councils, Cooperative Weed Management Areas, Task Forces, Exotic Pest Plant Councils, Regional Panels of the Aquatic Nuisance Species Task Force or other multi-partner invasive weed control organizations

Selection Criteria

Priority will be given to projects that include:

  1. Projects utilizing a QVM Certified Applicator. For a list of QVM Certified Applicators in your area, contact your local BASF sales rep or visit www.vmanswers.com.
  2. Use of BASF Professional Vegetation Management branded products.
  3. Proposals that properly incorporate herbicides in an IVM program for a significant portion of the total project plan and funding structure.
  4. Project is structured to include multiple and/or interdisciplinary partnerships that are integral to the program.
  5. Project demonstrates a need for funding to accomplish IVM plan.
  6. Project is governed by a multi-year IVM plan with a corresponding multi-year funding plan.
  7. Project is eligible for funding from a wide variety of government and non-profit sources.
  8. Project is well planned and structured for maximum success based on the scope of the problem.


  1. BASF funds will be used to cover the cost of labor associated with the application of BASF branded products.
  2. The treatment program must include herbicide use in control of terrestrial or aquatic invasive plants.
  3. The grantee must use the funds as a match to increase potential federal or foundation grant awards. The BASF matching funds must comprise no more than 25% of the total project funding.
  4. The applicant must be approved for a federal or foundation matching grant by May 1, 2008.
  5. Project-related herbicide application must be completed by December 1, 2008, unless otherwise noted in the proposal and required to meet best management practices.
  6. Application must be completed using the form found at http://www.vmanswers.com/SubmissionForm.pdf under BASF Grant Program.
  7. The grant request must be accompanied by a letter of partnership from the QVM Certified Applicators or other qualified applicator. This letter is located at http://www.vmanswers.com/IVMMatchingGrantApplicatorLetter.doc under BASF Grant Program.

Herbicide applicator MUST meet all of the following requirements to qualify:

  • Commercial
  • State-certified current applicator's license
  • Experience with BASF ProVM branded products
  • No state licensing violations or other legal issues

Proposal Requirements

The proposal must be submitted via FAX to 314-667-3222 using the form downloaded from http://www.vmanswers.com/content.aspx?mid=0&pid=1141.

  1. Project title
  2. Organization name and primary contact information including:
    1. Mailing address;
    2. Telephone number, fax number and email address; and
    3. Tax-exempt status, where applicable.
  3. List of partner organizations involved in the control plan.
  4. Summary of the IVM plan including:
    1. Project location and total acreage;
    2. Total project acres infested (do not include total county or state acres unless those are to be treated as part of this project);
    3. Target weed species to be controlled using BASF ProVM herbicides;
    4. Proposed BASF herbicide product and rate to be used for control;
    5. Application method to be utilized;
    6. Acreage to be treated with BASF ProVM branded product during 2008;
    7. Cost of labor for the application of the BASF ProVM product;
    8. Other proposed management activities, such as other herbicide, mechanical, cultural or biological control activities;
    9. Estimated cost to perform those activities (if in-kind, estimate value);
    10. Total estimated budget for this project (Reminder: BASF funding is to be no more than 25% of the total project funding available);
    11. Percentage of total funding to be used for herbicide applications; and
    12. Amount of funding sought from BASF.
  5. Plan outline. Give a synopsis of the IVM program including:
    1. Past and future weed control activities on the project site;
    2. Short and long-tern goals of the program;
    3. Fit of herbicides in the total IVM plan for the program; and
    4. Any other important and/or unique aspects of project.
  6. Type and estimated amount of state, federal or foundation grant funds requested or received for 2008.
  7. Name of application company (include contact information for non-QVM Certified Applicators). Reminder: applicator must sign the confirmation letter that is sent with your submission.

For a list of BASF ProVM products and QVM Certified Applicators visit http://www.vmanswers.com. This Web site will provide a list of QVM Certified Applicators and the territories they cover.


BASF will notify organizations to receive funds by Friday, September 15, 2007, to allow inclusion in federal and foundation grant proposal submissions for the coming fiscal year.

Funding Allocation

Funds up to the total matching allocation will be paid directly to the application company, for labor only, when herbicide applications are complete and invoices are received by BASF from the applicator. All additional application and related program costs above the total allocated funds are the responsibility of the organization.

Submitting Your Form

Download and complete the required form found at http://www.vmanswers.com/SubmissionForm.pdf under BASF Grant Program. Submit this with your letter of partnership on applicator company letterhead via FAX to Kellie Judge at 314-667-3222, no later than 5 p.m. Central time, Thursday, July 12, 2007. Proposals received after the deadline will not be considered for funding.

Please send an email to kellie.judge@partners.basf.com so a confirmation of your submission may be sent. The subject line of the email should be the same as the title of your proposal for filing purposes.

For more information, please contact:

Kellie Judge (Eastern U.S.)
BASF Corporation
26 Davis Dr
Research Triangle Park, NC 27709

Jennifer Vollmer (Western U.S.)
BASF Corporation
2166 N. 15th St.
Laramie, WY 82072

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