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photo by Dave Parks

Proposal Cycles



February 1
Late March
May 1
Late June
November 1
Late December

Please carefully read our guidelines below.

To apply you must download our required checklist and cover sheet [<.pdf> / < fillable.doc>] complete them and send with your proposal.

What we fund:
The Fund for Wild Nature (Fund) provides money for campaigns to save and restore native species and wild ecosystems, including actions to defend wilderness and biological diversity.  If your project is not clearly and directly connected to these priorities, please clearly explain the link.

We fund advocacy, litigation, public policy work, development of citizen science, and similar endeavors. We do not fund basic scientific research, private land acquisition, individual action or study, or conferences.  We will only fund media projects that have a clear strategic value and a concrete plan for dissemination of the final product. 

(View last year's grants here for amounts awarded and project descriptions.)

The Fund supports biocentric goals that are premised on effective and intelligible strategies.  We give special attention to ecological issues not currently receiving sufficient public attention and funding.  We seek proposals with visionary and yet realistic goals to create tangible change.  All proposals must be highly cost effective.

We rarely fund proposals from organizations with annual budgets greater than U.S. $250,000.  Proposals are reviewed by individuals who are very familiar with a wide range of conservation issues, so please be concise in your summary of the problem at hand, and focus on what the organization plans to do and why you think your strategy will be successful.

We fund projects only in the United States, Canada, and Mexico.  No individual or organization may receive more than one grant per calendar year.  Similarly, proposals from groups or individuals with existing grants will not be considered until the active grant is completed.  We will not consider proposals from applicants who have failed to fulfill obligations from a previous Fund grant, including reporting.

Submit NINE (9) complete, collated and stapled/clipped copies of your proposal via regular first class postal mail (deadlines are postmark only).  Print your proposal double-sided on 2-4 sheets of 100% post-consumer or alternative fiber paper.  We will not make copies, collate, bind, staple, or otherwise prepare your proposal.  We will acknowledge receipt of your proposal, and respond to any problems or questions immediately.  The Fund makes decisions quarterly.  If you have further questions, please contact us via email at:  fwn [at] fundwildnature [dot] org.

Condensed Reference Checklist  - [Item & (copies needed)]

This is not the complete version to submit with your proposal; download that here.

  • Everything is on 100% recycled or tree-free paper printed double-sided
  • Cover sheet (9) [<.pdf> or fillable <.doc>]
  • Proposal narrative (no more than five pages): (9)
  • The narrative must include all of the following, as succinctly as possible:
    • Description of Activity- Complete details of the project's specific elements.
    • Need - Explain why this project is important, its time urgency and how it will positively impact the current situation.
    • Qualifications - Describe the participant(s) in the project and organization.  Provide examples of previous organizing and achievements
    • Work Plan - Show a clear, concise, realistic timeline, with specifics of how you will accomplish goals.
    • Expected Outcome - State the anticipated results, and clearly explain how you will evaluate them.
  • Project and Organizational budgets (9)
    • The Fund for Wild Nature does not fund salaries.
    • You must list in your project budget how you intend to spend Fund monies.
    • We rarely support organizations with organizational budgets in excess of $250,000.
  • Current balance sheet (9) 
  • Latest income statement (9)
  • IRS Determination letter of your organization or fiscal sponsor (1)
  • Limited other material pertinent to the proposal - PLEASE LIMIT THIS (9)
  • Fund for Wild Nature   PO Box 42523   Portland, OR 97242