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Central Intelligence Agency
The Work of a Nation. The Center of Intelligence



Declassified National Intelligence Estimates

ORE 24-49 -- The USSR Petroleum Industry, 5 January 1950 (53 pages).

ORE 86-49 -- Communist Influence in Burma, 11 January 1950 (11 pages).

ORE 89-49 -- The Food Outlook for Communist China, 3 February 1950 (9 pages).

ORE 2-50 -- Possibility of Soviet Troop Withdrawal From East Germany in 1950, 3 February 1950 (2 pages).

ORE 92-49 -- The Crisis in Indochina, 10 February 1950 (10 pages).

ORE 4-50 -- Current Situation in Greece, 28 February 1950 (13 pages).

ORE 91-49 -- Estimate of the Effects of the Soviet Possession of the Atomic Bomb Upon the Security of the U.S., 6 April 1950 (36 pages).

ORE 19-50 -- Reports of Current Soviet Military Activity in China, 21 April 1950 (7 pages).

ORE 8-50 -- Evaluation of Soviet-Yugoslav Relations (1950), 11 May 1950 (8 pages).

ORE 17-50 -- Soviet-Satellite Drive Against Western Influence in Eastern Europe, 2 June 1950 (6 pages).

ORE 32-50 -- The Effect of the Soviet Possession of Atomic Bombs on the Security of the U.S., 9 June 1950 (4 pages).

ORE 18-50 -- Current Capabilities of the Northern Korean Regime, 19 June 1950 (13 pages).

ORE 25-50 -- Spitsbergen, 26 June 1950 (12 pages).

ORE 33-50 -- Prospects for Stability in the Philippines, 10 August 1950 (9 pages).

ORE 20-50 -- Economic Situation in Yugoslavia, 1 September 1950 (26 pages).

ORE 50-50 (Suppl) -- Prospects for Chinese Communist Action in Indochina During 1950, 7 September 1950 (14 pages).

ORE 34-50 -- Probable Developments in Eastern Germany by the End of 1951, 28 September 1950 (7 pages).

ORE 58-50 -- Critical Situations in the Far East, 12 October 1950 (16 pages).

ORE 29-50 -- Consequences to the U.S. of Communist Domination of Mainland Southeast Asia, 13 October 1950 (17 pages).

CIA RE 34-49 -- Soviet Capabilities and Intentions in Latin America, 14 November 1950 (5 pages).

NIE 3 -- Soviet Capabilities and Intentions, 15 November 1950 (26 pages).

NIE 2/2 -- Soviet Participation in the Air Defense of Manchuria, 27 November 1950 (6 pages).

NIE 11 -- Soviet Intentions in the Current Situation, 5 December 1950 (6 pages).

NIE 15 -- Probable Soviet Moves To Exploit the Present Situation, 11 December 1950 (7 pages).

NIE 17 -- Probable Soviet Reactions to a Remilitarization of Western Germany, 27 December 1950 (6 pages).




Historical Document
Posted: Mar 19, 2007 09:41 AM
Last Updated: Jul 07, 2008 01:23 PM
Last Reviewed: Mar 19, 2007 09:41 AM