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News: Two vacancies for Programme Officer positions in the GBIF Secretariat

The GBIF Secretariat in Copenhagen, Denmark, seeks to hire a Programme Officer for NODES and a Programme Officer for Data Access and Database Interoperability (DADI)
Released on: 06 June 2006
Contributor: Not applicable
Language: English
Spatial coverage: Not applicable
Source of information: GBIF Secretariat
Concerned URL:

Programme Officer for NODES

Each Participant in GBIF sets up a Node to coordinate and support its GBIF data-sharing activities. The Node provides IT infrastructure and expertise for data providers and users, and functions as an information gateway among Participants, other partners, and the Secretariat.

The Nodes officer will stimulate and coordinate the work of the Participant Nodes, will be responsible for the implementation of the NODES work programme and be the main contact point in the Secretariat for the Nodes.

Desired characteristics of the successful applicant include:

  • A good understanding of the work of Nodes and their interactions with data providers and users
  • Experience with project planning and execution
  • IT skills
  • Knowledge of the GBIF data sharing processes and of the nature of the primary data served by GBIF
  • Capacity to foster human networking
  • Flexibility in approaching problems and good communication skills
  • Excellent communication skills in English
  • Fluency in languages other than English will be an asset

Full details about the position, instructions for application and deadlines can be found at: http://www.gbif.org/nodes/nodes2006vacancy

Programme Officer for Data Access and Database Interoperability (DADI)

The DADI programme works with other organisations, such as the Taxonomic Databases Working Group (TDWG), to set standards and protocols for sharing primary biodiversity data, and to support the integration of electronic data resources into the GBIF network.

The DADI officer will be responsible for the implementation of the DADI work programme and will liaise with other international bodies either developing standards relevant for GBIF or holding international databases of interest to GBIF.

Desired characteristics of the successful applicant include:
  • Extensive knowledge and experience of information technology, especially data integration, XML and web technologies
  • Ability to initiate, plan and execute major ICT projects
  • Broad understanding of data standards and protocols relevant to GBIF
  • Ability to work both independently and as part of a team
  • Excellent communication skills in English
  • Fluency in languages other than English will be an asset

Full details about the position, instructions for application and deadlines can be found at: http://www.gbif.org/prog/dadi/dadi2006vacancy

General Information for both positions

The GBIF Secretariat will offer to the two new programme officers an international and stimulating work environment with outstanding colleagues from around the world, an engaging work programme to implement and many opportunities for representing GBIF in major international fora.

The successful applicants will be required to work at the GBIF Secretariat in Copenhagen, Denmark. The positions are available for a period of 3-5 years starting on approximately 1 December 2006.

Salary and benefits are competitive. All applicants will be considered, irrespective of age, sex, race, religion, nationality or ethnic background.

Please note that this article expired on 2006/07/16

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