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News: Call for Contractors for GBIF Data Portal

Experienced Java Developers and a Data Administrator are sought to work on the GBIF Data Portal and web services.
Released on: 31 August 2005
Contributor: Donald Hobern
Language: English
Spatial coverage: Not applicable
Keywords: Data Portal Java Developers Administrator
Source of information:
Concerned URL:

Calls for Contractors for International Biodiversity Data Portal: Java Developers and Data Administrator


The Global Biodiversity Information Facility (GBIF, http://www.gbif.org/) is an international organisation with a secretariat based in Copenhagen, Denmark. Its mission is to enable free and open international web-based exchange of data relating to all living organisms (plants, animals, micro-organisms), in particular information on their biological classification and their geographic occurrence.

GBIF brings together an international network of institutions and organisations which have set up web services with standard interfaces to share biodiversity data. The network includes a centrally-operated portal (http://www.gbif.net/) to assist users in discovering and selecting data from the network. This portal currently exists as a prototype and now needs to be redeveloped to provide a robust access point for biodiversity data (both XML web services and a browser interface). Further information can be found at the following links:


GBIF is seeking experienced Java developers and a data manager to work on this portal. These will be contract positions and will be based at the GBIF Secretariat in Copenhagen. All contractors will be expected to work in English.

Call for Java Developers

GBIF requires experienced Java web developers to work in Copenhagen through at least to the end of 2006.

Applicants must be experienced in the following technologies:

* Java (at least 3 years’ development experience)
* XML (including XML Schema, XSLT, XPath)
* Apache Tomcat

Applicants should ideally also be familiar with the following technologies:

* MySQL and/or PostgreSQL
* Hibernate
* JavaServer Faces and/or Struts
* Log4J
* Ant
* Python

Prior experience with the following technologies will be an advantage:

* Data standards from the Taxonomic Databases Working Group (TDWG, http://www.tdwg.org/), in particular:
- Darwin Core
- ABCD Schema
- Taxon Concept Schema
* Data exchange protocols from TDWG:
- BioCASe
* GML Web Feature Service
* XQuery

Understanding of the principles of taxonomy and of biological collection management will be a significant advantage.

Call for Data Administrator

GBIF requires a Data Administrator to work in Copenhagen through at least to the end of 2006. The Data Administrator will provide helpdesk support to assist data providers in the following areas:

* Configuration and use of standard software packages to share biodiversity data
* Diagnosis of problems in mapping biodiversity data into XML formats
* Use of controlled vocabularies for biodiversity data elements
* Handling of taxonomic names

The GBIF Data Portal includes a database which serves as an index to the biodiversity data records shared by participants in the GBIF network. The Data Administrator will also be responsible for administrative tasks relating to this database.

Training will be provided in the use of tools for diagnosis of problems with biodiversity data and in the administration of the index database.

Applicants must exhibit understanding of the principles of taxonomy and of biological collection management, and also of web-based data exchange using XML web services.

Applicants must be able to demonstrate experience in some or all of the following technologies:

* Data standards from the Taxonomic Databases Working Group (TDWG, http://www.tdwg.org/), in particular:
- Darwin Core
- ABCD Schema
- Taxon Concept Schema
* Data exchange protocols from TDWG:
- BioCASe
* XML (including XML Schema, XPath)
* MySQL and/or PostgreSQL

How to apply

Interested applicants should send the following by e-mail to Donald Hobern, GBIF Programme Officer for Data Access and Database Interoperability (dhobern@gbif.org):

* Curriculum vitae
* Indication of the position to which the application relates
* Description of how you fulfill the requirements for the position
* Description of the strengths you can bring to the project
* Confirmation of availibility to work in Denmark
* Indication of when you would be available to start work in Copenhagen
* Expected remuneration

The closing date for applications is 30 September 2005.

Interviews will take place early in October.

Please note that this article expired on 2005/09/30

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