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News: E-conferences to be held on GBIF seed money priorities

As part of the process of formulating the 2005-2006 requests for proposals for the GBIF seed money competitions, a discussion of priorities will be carried out through e-conferences. GBIF welcomes your insights about what taxonomic groups or regional floras/faunas should be priorities for the GBIF seed money programmes. Two simultaneous e-conferences will take place from 25 May through 1 June, 2005.
Released on: 20 May 2005
Contributor: Not applicable
Language: English
Spatial coverage: Not applicable
Source of information: GBIF Secretariat
Concerned URL:

The e-conferences will be concerned with priority-setting for the GBIF seed money awards that will be made by the Digitisation of Natural History Collections (DIGIT) and the Electronic Catalogue of Name of Known Organisms (ECAT) Work Programmes.

Participation in the e-conferences is open to all interested parties, who need to register to participate in one or both of the e-conferences. Register for the ECAT e-conference by clicking here and for the DIGIT e-conference by clicking here. Background and instructions documents can be accessed through the same links.

The Global Biodiversity Information Facility (GBIF) was created in March 2001 as an open, independent international organization dedicated to making the world's biodiversity data freely and universally available via the internet. Importantly, GBIF is open to participation by all countries, economic entities and organizations that can benefit by the open sharing of biodiversity information on a global scale. Two of GBIF's work programmes, DIGIT and ECAT, concentrate on facilitating the expansion of biodiversity knowledge by

  • working with natural history collections and observational data communities to promote the digitization and dynamic accessibility of observational and specimen data (DIGIT), as well as
  • working with organisations like the Catalogue of Life partnership, uBio, nomenclators such as IPNI and BIOSIS, and developers of regional checklists to incorporate data on nomenclature and taxonomy into a comprehensive electronic catalogue of the Earth's biota (ECAT).
To date, GBIF has provided nearly USD 3 million in seed-money awards. These funds have generally targeted projects that could be rapidly implemented with a high probability of success. As a result, the data available through the GBIF data portal (www.gbif.net) are spotty. However, it is important that we now develop a defined set of priorities for the seed money grants, using criteria for which there is a clear rationale.

As a first step in working with the broader communities of taxonomists, curators and observational data providers to develop a unified and comprehensive plan for prioritizing digitization and electronic cataloguing efforts, GBIF is initiating two e-conferences to discuss the targeting of the 2005-2006 GBIF seed money awards. The goal is to select priorities that will result in quality data sets that are rich enough and have enough geographic coverage to demonstrate to the scientific community, to politicians and to funding agencies the value of global efforts to digitize occurrence data and electronically catalogue names.

GBIF invites your insights about what taxonomic groups or regional floras/faunas should be priorities for the GBIF seed money programmes. Please remember to register for one or both of the e-conferences, so that you can participate in the discussion(s).

Please note that this article expired on 2005/06/19

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