Lawrence Livermore publishes a selection of documents that provide a wealth of information about the Laboratory’s mission, operations, core capabilities, technologies, outreach activities, and history.

View of LLNL

Science & Technology Review. The Laboratory’s bimonthly magazine, which aims to communicate Lawrence Livermore’s scientific, technological, and engineering accomplishments to a wide audience.

Annual Report. Highlights of LLNL’s accomplishments during the past year, illustrating how we have applied science and technology to solve nationally and globally important problems.

Newsline. The Laboratory’s weekly online publication for employees, including information on research programs, administration and operations, and people.

Site Annual Environmental Report. The results of LLNL’s environmental monitoring and compliance effort and an assessment of the impact of Laboratory operations on the environment and public.

Discover LLNL. A community newsletter that provides timely information about the Laboratory and upcoming LLNL-sponsored community events.

Science That Matters. A collection of Laboratory discoveries, innovations, and breakthroughs over the course of its history.

Fifty Years of Accomplishments. A year-by-year retrospective of LLNL accomplishments published to commemorate the Laboratory’s 50th anniversary.

Library. Portal to the Laboratory’s library, including LLNL publications, library catalogs, and other online library resources.

Science in the National Interest. Overview of the Laboratory's strategy for carrying out its national security mission and summary of its distinguishing capabilities in science and engineering, management and operations.