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Grants and Funding

Below is a list of funding opportunities within the Conservation Services Division.  They are listed under the correlating program title, but some are available across programs.  If you have any questions contact the specific program for further information.


Colorado State Conservation Board

Noxious Weed Managment Program

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Direct Assistance to Districts
These funds authorized by the State Legislature were awarded through a competitive grant process.   Districts use the funds for board member mileage and expenses, secretarial and technical assistance, office expense, and district elections.

Upper Colorado River Salinity Control Program
By improving the efficiency of irrigation systems in 5 Conservation Districts eligible (Bookcliff, Delta, Dolores, Mancos, Mesa, and Shavano), landowners can reduce the amount of salts entering the Colorado River.  This benefits water users in the Lower Colorado River Basin States and Mexico.    MORE INFO ON THE SALINITY PROGRAM...

The funds enable districts to hire technicians to provide technical assistance to Colorado's landowners for conservation planning and practice implementation to protect natural resources. The Program is a partnership between the Conservation Districts (CDs), the Colorado State Conservation Board (CSCB) and the Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS). Funding is provided 50% by NRCS, 25% by the CSCB and 25% by the conservation districts.  MORE INFO ON DISTRICT CONSERVATION TECHNICIAN PROGRAM...


Natural Resources Conservation Matching Grants
Provides funds for conservation districts to address on-the-ground conservation problems identified at the local level.  Funds are appropriated annually through the Colorado State legislature and districts apply through the Colorado State Conservation Board (CSCB) to fund an important conservation project or program in their community. The district must provide a dollar-for-dollar match from local, private or federal cash or in-kind sources for program awards. MORE INFO ON MATCHING GRANTS...


 District Map

District Forms  


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Colorado Noxious Weed Management Fund


In 1997, the Colorado Legislature established the Colorado Noxious Weed Management Fund to provide additional financial resources to communities, weed control districts, or other entities engaged in cooperative efforts to manage noxious weeds. Organized private interests as well as public agencies and local governments were eligible to apply for assistance provided that awarded funds were used to enhance weed management efforts within the State of Colorado. Over the five years that funding was available, the Colorado Department of Agriculture disbursed $1,255,000 for noxious weed management, education, and mapping. On average, every dollar of the State's investment was matched by more than five dollars of private, local, other state, and federal resources. Awards were made on a competitive basis and recommended by a committee of seven individuals representing the perspectives and experiences of professionals and elected officials in weed science, state weed management, Colorado government, public natural resource management, agriculture, local weed management, and the environment.

Other Funding Opportunities

There are several dedicated funds that annually solicit funding proposals related to weed management. Please check the pertinent websites for additional information.


The High Plains Invasives Project is a new three year grant, funded by the Grazing Lands Conservation Initiative administered by Colorado Department of Agriculture.  Funding will be available for 2008, 2009, and 2010 to Eastern Plain's communities to control six uncommon weed species.  CLICK HERE for more information, or call Mike Rigirozzi at 303-239-5738.

The National Fish and Wildlife Foundation - Pulling Together Initiative:

The Colorado State Soil Conservation Board:   
Click here

Natural Resources Conservation Services - Environmental Quality Incentives Program Funding:

Past Funding

Brief descriptions of awards from past years (1998-2002) are listed below.

In 2003, the Fund was discontinued by the Colorado Legislature in order to help deal with the State's financial crisis. It is uncertain as to if/when this program may be reestablished.



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