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Wildlife at Work
Corporate Lands for learning
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WHC Publications & Resources

WHC offers several many publications focusing on different aspects of our work. We welcome submissions to our newsletter, updates to the Registry for your certified program and even photos to showcase your habitat and educational programs on-site. Contact publications@wildlifehc.org to send in your ideas.

Only on the Web Find articles of interest written by WHC staff.
WHC Recommends Explore books and ideas for sustainability and wildlife habitat management. 
WHC Spotlight Learn about projects and news from WHC members and partners.

Wildlife Habitat

Wildlife Habitat Summer 2002 Cover

Registry of Certified & Internationally Accredited Corporate Wildlife Habitat Programs

2007-2008 Registry Cover sm

Waterways for Wildlife

The Waterways for Wildlife regional projects are cooperative ventures between corporate, private, government and conservation communities that improve and manage habitat along river corridors and watersheds. 

WHC Member Pages detail a company’s various projects and support. Our members are leading the way in planning for sustainability and meeting economic, environmental and social needs of the present and for future generations.

Stewardship of the Land
Continuing Corporate Commitment through Conservation Easements.

leaf green  leaf green  leaf green  leaf green  leaf green  leaf green  leaf green  leaf green

Habitat Quarterly
Technical Bulletin
WHC's 1997 Wildlands Report
for "Exceeding Expectations"
May 18-20, 1997, Atlanta, GA
Technical Conference Report

 2008 Calendar Cover
Explore the diversity of wildlife imitating art and bask in the magic of each season in the Corporate Homes for Wildlife Calendar

Peterson animal tracks

WHC carries a wide selection of
Peterson® Field Guides.

Backyard Conservation
Bringing conservation from the countryside to your backyard. Whether you live in an apartment in the city, a home in the suburbs or a farm in the country, your efforts to enhance your property will improve the community, increase your home's aesthetics and benefit wildlife.

WHC/NRCS Fish and Wildlife Habitat
Management Leaflets

Discover the habitat needs of the wood duck, eastern bluebird, ruby-throated hummingbird, bats and many others, as well as how you can manage for these incredible wildlife species on your property!

Corporate Lands for Learning: A Guidebook: Opening Private Resources to Public Environmental Education
The CLL guidebook is crucial for any company and site thinking of opening its wildlife areas for environmental education. Read excerpts from the Guidebook.

The Wildlife at Work Team Kit provides a step-by-step guide for creating your own
unique and successful program. From the development of a volunteer team to attaining
international recognition for your efforts, the Team Kit contains a vast amount of information to aid you. At the end of each step, there is a feedback form where we ask you to send us information about your progress, and in return you will recieve various fun and useful items from WHC such as wildlife identification guides, clipboards, hats and other great products.

Wildlife at Work is a proven method for developing voluntary programs that achieve habitat enhancement, increase employee morale, improve community relations and reduce costs. Contact WHC at Whc@wildlifehc.org for ordering information.

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