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USDA - APHIS - Wildlife Damage

National Wildlife Research Center (NWRC)


Research on Invasive Species

Managing Invasive Species in Hawaiian Agriculture
NWRC Research Project—Hilo, HI
Developing effective methods and strategies for managing invasive species damage to agricultural crops, natural resources, and human health and safety in Hawaii and other islands.

Invasive Mammalian Species
NWRC Research Project—Fort Collins, CO
Iinvestigaing promising methods and strategies for surveillance, management, and eradication of established and potential invasive animal species.

Brown Treesnake Management
NWRC Research Project—Fort Collins, CO
Focusing on management of the brown treesnake through development of repellents, attractants, toxicants, fumigants, reproductive inhibitors and improved trapping methods.

Avian Populations
NWRC Research Project—Gainesville, FL
Looking at methods to age birds, estimate bird population sizes, estimate total numbers of birds affected by avicide use, control reproduction in birds, and track bird movements and activities subsequent to roost dispersal.


Last Modified: January 7, 2008