“I never before knew the full value of trees. Under them I breakfast, dine, write, read, and recieve my company” —Thomas Jefferson

Building With Trees

Building With Trees

The Building With Trees™ recognition program, presented by The Arbor Day Foundation in cooperation with The National Association of Home Builders and Firewise Communities outlines tree protection practices and provides two opportunities for builders and developers to receive recognition for their efforts—one following the planning and design phase of a project, another following construction.

Building With Trees Pledge

Builders and developers who plan and design projects in accordance with prescribed tree protection techniques and sign a pledge to continue their commitment during and after construction are eligible to receive recognition and educational materials to help them showcase their efforts to prospective buyers, the public, and community officials. Attending a “Building With Trees” seminar can meet one of the requirements for the pledge program. Check our conference and seminar registration site for upcoming “Building With Trees” seminars in your area, or dates for the annual conference held at the Lied Conference Center.

Awards of Excellence

Once construction is complete, projects may be entered in an annual competition with winners selected by a jury of industry and urban forestry professionals.

» Locate a registered consulting arborist or certified arborist in your area.