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To Implement Priorities for Preventing the Introduction or Spread of Non-Native Invasive Species of the Genus Caulerpa

Published on AidPage by IDILOGIC on Jun 24, 2005
Administered by:

Department of Interior, U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service, Region 1
(see all US Federal Agencies)

Explore all postings for this grant program:
  • Original Grant - May 31, 2005
Applications Due:

Jun 30, 2005
Application Deadline: Electronic or hard copy applications must be received by Dwight Luginbill at Dwight_Luginbill@fws.gov by close of business (COB) on June 30, 2005 (4:30 p.m. Pacific Standard Time). Proposals received after the deadline will not be considered for funding.

total funding: $20,000
max award: $20,000
min award: none
cost sharing, matching: No
number of awards: 2
type of funding: Cooperative Agreement, Grant

The Stockton Fish and Wildlife Office (STFWO) is soliciting proposals to implement projects directly related to preventing introduction or spread of non-native invasive Caulerpa species into coastal waters of the U.S. Total funding available may be as much as $20,000 for 1-2 projects. Successful awards will be made through grants or cooperative agreements.
Examples of high priority educational outreach projects that may be considered for funding include;
? developing rapid identification and confirmation procedures for Caulerpa,
? conducting outreach to importers of Caulerpa,
? creating audience specific messages related to preventing Caulerpa introduction or spread,
? conducting evaluation of Caulerpa outreach activities,
? developing and disseminating materials to aid in the identification of Caulerpa species,
? creating Caulerpa outreach materials for clubs, hobbyists, aquarium service providers, etc. and
? developing a press kit suitable for use if a new Caulerpa infestation is found.

Who can apply:


Eligible functional categories:
Funding Sources:

Fish and Wildlife Management Assistance

More Information:

If you have problems accessing the full announcement, please contact: Luginbill, Dwight

Address Info:

Department of Interior, U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service, Region 1

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