
Publication GrantResearch Grant



Background and Scope:

The Arizona Native Plant Society is a nonprofit organization whose mission is to promote knowledge, appreciation, conservation, and restoration of Arizona's native plants and their habitats.

• The publication grants have been established through generous bequests from long-time members Horace Miller and Ginny Saylor.

• Publication grants are made to assist with the costs of disseminating original work concerning Arizona native plants within the biogeographical context of these species in the Southwestern United States and northern Mexico.

• One or more grants may be made each year. The total available for all grants is $1,000. For 2009, the deadline for submission of grant proposals April 1.

Description and Purpose:

 The Tucson Chapter of the Arizona Native Plant Society (AZNPS) is providing a total of $1,000 for  a limited number of Publication Grants to nonprofit organizations or individuals for publications or related projects, such as artwork, that contribute to scientific knowledge of native plants, public understanding of native plants and their environments, or native plant conservation.

Awards will be made for purposes such as assisting with publication in a scientific journal, publishing regional plant lists for general distribution, paying for publication artwork, producing brochures or booklets for the general public, producing educational materials for schools, or developing web pages.

Grants will be awarded to publication projects that focus on Arizona native plants and that will reach the broadest audience possible. Applications will be judged on the basis of their consistency with the purposes and selection criteria described above.

Grant Proposal Requirements

• Together with a cover letter outlining the project, a draft copy of the project should be submitted. A full description of the project, with mock-ups, may also suffice.

• A budget should be submitted with the above.

• Grantees shall provide a copy of the final product to the Society and allow it to be published in whole or in part or linked to on the AZNPS website. The Society also welcomes a presentation of the project at a local Chapter meeting.

• Support by the Arizona Native Plant Society Miller/Saylor Publication Grant shall be acknowledged in any papers, reports, projects, and/or presentations.

Proposals may be submitted electronically in Microsoft Word, rtf, or pdf form to The subject line should include “Publication Grant.” Applications may also be mailed to Publication Grant, AZNPS, Box 41206, Sun Station, Tucson, AZ 85717.

Questions? Contact us here!


Tucson Chapter, Arizona Native Plant Society


The mission of the Arizona Native Plant Society (AZNPS) is to promote knowledge, appreciation, conservation, and restoration of Arizona native plants and their habitats. 

Recognizing the importance of active research on Arizona’s native flora, the Tucson Chapter will award in 2009 one $500 research grant to an individual, group, or institution to support research that enhances our understanding of native Arizona plants. The deadline for the submission of grant applications is March 1, 2009. This grant is funded through a generous bequest from the estate of Ginny Saylor, a long-time Tucson Chapter member.

The following guidelines apply:

  • The grant may be used to fund the entire cost of a project or to supplement the cost of a project receiving other funding.
  • Only research involving native Arizona plants will be considered.
  • Researchers from all levels of expertise are encouraged to participate (individuals, teachers on behalf of school children, college and grad students, professional researchers, etc.).  Members of the AZNPS are encouraged to participate but membership in AZNP is not a requirement. We encourage projects that include a citizen science component.
  • The grant recipient will be expected to make a presentation to the Tucson Chapter or other AZNPS chapter on the results of the research.
  • Proposals must include:
    • Name and institution, if applicable, of principal investigator
    • Resume of principal investigator
    • Title of the research
    • Succinct description of the proposed research, including research methods
    • Benefits expected to be achieved from the research
    • Anticipated publication or other dissemination plans
    • Complete budget
  • The following restrictions apply to the grant:
  • This grant is for research on native plants, not exotic species or the relationship of exotic to native plants.
  • Funds are for research only. They may not be used to attend conferences or symposia.
  • Support by the AZNPS Tucson Saylor Research Grant should be acknowledged in any papers, reports, projects, and/or presentations.

               Proposals may be submitted electronically in Microsoft Word, rtf, or pdf form to The subject line should include “Research Grant.” Applications may also be mailed to Research Grant, AZNPS, Box 41206, Sun Station, Tucson, AZ 85717. The deadline for the submission of grant proposals is April 1, 2009.