Montana Noxious Weed Trust Fund

Weed warrior logo

Administrative Rules for Weeds
Montana Laws on Weeds
Noxious Weed Management Advisory Council
2009 Grant Guidelines (PDF format)
2009 Grant Application Forms
Weeds After Fire Grants (Word format)

(Weed Warrior is an educational project targeting 5th graders in Hill
and Blaine Counties. It was funded by the Noxious Weed Trust Fund
and sponsored by the Hill County Weed District.)

The Montana Noxious Weed Trust Fund grant program was established by the 1985 Montana Legislature to provide funding for the development and implementation of weed management programs; provide for research and development of innovative weed management techniques, including biological control; and to support educational and other research projects that benefit Montana citizens. The grant program is designed to assist counties, local communities, researchers, and educators in their efforts to solve a variety of weed problems in Montana.

The program provides cost-share funding for local cooperative weed management areas and education and research projects, including non-chemical research and demonstration programs. Funding is generally through a government entity (local weed district, conservation district, extension office, or university). Assistance in writing a grant proposal is provided through your local government entity. The Montana Noxious Weed Trust Fund Advisory Council reviews applications, hears applicant testimony, and recommends funding to the Director of the Montana Department of Agriculture. Final funding is approved by the Director.

For more information contact:

State Weed Coordinator: NWTF Grant Coordinator:
  Dave Burch   Kim Johnson
  Phone: 406-444-3140   Phone: 406-444-1517
  Fax: 406-444-7336   Fax: 406-444-7336
  E-mail:   E-mail:

Weed Program Specialist: Weed Specialist:
  Carol Bearden   Tonda Moon
  Phone: 406-444-7880   Phone: 406-444-7819
  Fax: 406-444-7336   Fax: 406-444-7336
  E-mail:   E-mail: