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Rural Homelessness: General Awareness and Educational Issues

NCHE Resources

pdf file icon Transportation for Homeless Children and Youth: Strategies for Rural School Districts
This NCHE tip sheet highlights strategies for providing transportation for homeless students in rural areas provided by local homeless education liaisons, state coordinators for homeless education, and state pupil transportation directors.
Other Resources

article icon Homeless Children: Addressing the Challenge in Rural Schools
This ERIC Digest considers the challenge of homelessness in rural areas, the meaning of homelessness for rural children, the educational problems of homelessness, causes of rural homelessness, and remedies and resources for rural educators and human service providers.
external webpage icon NCPR News: Close to Homeless
North County Public Radio explores the issue of rural homelessness, including how transiency affects kids' education and the schools they attend, in this series of online audio broadcasts.
article icon Poverty, Housing Insecurity and Student Transiency in Rural Areas
This article, published by the Center on Rural Education and Communities at Penn State University, discusses the issue of residential mobility among low-income households and its effect on students, schools, and school districts. It provides a suggested plan of action for supporting highly mobile students for rural schools and school districts and links to additional resources.
article icon Rural Children At A Glance
This study by the USDA's Economic Research Service provides compelling facts about rural child poverty.
article icon Rural Homelessness
This paper was developed for the National Symposium on Homelessness Research held on March 1-2, 2007, and covers topics such as the prevalence of rural homelessnes, the characteristics of rural homelessness, and effective service models for rural homelessness.
article icon Searching For Connection: A New Look At Teenaged Runaways
This article, published originally in Adolescence Magazine, presents the results of a qualitative study of 26 runaways in a rural New England shelter. The findings challenge popular notions that runaways are incorrigible delinquents who want to leave home, that the decision is impulsive, and that they hope never to return.
article icon Student Mobility in Rural Communities: What Are the Implications for Student Achievement?
This article provides readers with a thorough understanding of student mobility, demonstrates the prevalence of mobility and its effect on students and schools, and highlights federal, state, and local initiatives to address student mobility. Also provided are suggestions, strategies, and additional resources that can be used by virtually any district in its efforts to comply with the McKinney-Vento Act.

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The National Center for Homeless Education (NCHE) is associated with The SERVE Center at the University of North Carolina at Greensboro.

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