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Registry of Certified Programs

The Wildlife Habitat Council's Corporate Wildlife Habitat Certification/International Accreditation Program recognizes commendable wildlife habitat management and environmental education programs at individual sites. WHC certification adds value to programs by providing third-party credibility and an objective evaluation of projects.

Search registry database below to learn about projects.

This registry serves as a reference for WHC sites and as a resource for the press, government agencies, elected officials, conservation organizations and the public. It includes detailed descriptions of the certified efforts at each site. Visit the Directory of Awards to learn about programs that have been further recognized for their achievements.

The employees and volunteers at Ontario Power Generation's Darlington Nuclear distinguished themselves by winning the coveted 2008 Corporate Habitat of the Year award, which goes to one recertified program each year. 

Darlington Nuclear is located on 1,200 acres on the north shore of Lake Ontario. The wildlife team maintains over 830 acres as part of a volunteer employee managed wildlife habitat enhancement program. An intensive study of the habitats and wildlife identified high value and priority habitats and served as a basis for the site biodiversity plan. Employees at Darlington Nuclear realize the importance of their ongoing commitment to environmental stewardship, with strengthened community partnerships and habitat enhancement projects coming to fruition.

Recognizing the importance of community awareness, involvement and environmental education in a successful habitat program, Darlington Nuclear offers a diverse array of education programs as part of its Corporate Lands for Learning program certified since 1999.

These programs serve to educate the community about environmental and sustainability issues and encourage those individuals to strive to join with Darlington Nuclear to make a positive difference in the region by enhancing natural habitats.



2008-2009 Registry of Certified & Internationally Accredited
Corporate Wildlife Habitat Programs

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Certification criteria are stringent. Sites must demonstrate that programs have been active for at least one year with a management plan that lists goals, objectives and prescriptions and complete documentation of all programs. Apply now!

The Certification Review Committee, a panel of WHC wildlife biologists and staff, reviews the materials for certification eligibility and recognizes deserving projects under an appropriate category. WHC offers two separate categories: Wildlife at WorkSM certification and Corporate Lands for LearningSM (CLL) certification.

In 2008, 146 habitat programs recognized in the Registry were recertified by WHC. These sites have continued their original programs and, in many instances, expanded them to address ecosystem management and regional biodiversity. In addition, 68 new habitat programs achieved habitat certification, bringing the total of currently recognized wildlife programs to 489 (this number includes sites eligible for recertification), an 11% increase. As of 2008, there are 97 certified CLL programs. In 2008, More than 123,400 new acres of habitat restoration or enhancement were engaged through WHC habitat and educational programs.

More than 2.4 million acres in 46 states, District of Columbia, Puerto Rico and 16 other countries are managed for wildlife through WHC-assisted projects.

The application process for certification involves:

  • At least one site visit by a WHC biologist;  
  • Submission of an application form and community references; and  
  • Submission of a management plan supported by photographs and documentation of program monitoring and maintenance.

The certified wildlife habitat programs focus on restoration, creation, protection and enhancement of habitat and individual species management by establishing Wildlife at Work programs. Our corporate members actively develop and monitor their wildlife program based upon WHC recommendations. Sites that have an active environmental education program can become certified for Corporate Lands for Learning. CLL programs demonstrate how corporate land, natural resources and employee skills can provide both adults and children with unique educational opportunities.

Upon certification, representatives from the site receive a mounted certificate and a photo opportunity with WHC officials. WHC issues press releases on behalf of the certified and recertified sites. These releases are sent to media contacts of the sites' choice, in addition to regional, national and international media contacts. Also, sites may lease a sign stating that their site wildlife program has been certified by WHC. Initially, recertification is required after two years to ensure that the sites' program continues to provide quality wildlife habitat. If, upon the first recertification, the program meets an additional set of criteria, recertification is required every three years thereafter.

For more information about the certification program, please WHC at 301-588-8994. Please contact us if you would like to update information about your site or send us a correction, even if you are not currently undergoing certification or recertification.

Corporate Lands for Learning and Wildlife at Work are registered service marks (SM) of the Wildlife Habitat Council.

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The Registry of Certified Programs is sponsored by ConocoPhillips