CENDI Copyright Task Group

Library of Congress/Federal Library and Information Center Committee
General Counsels Forum
Library of Congress

March 4, 2003


(PowerPoint, 172K)

Bonnie Klein
Program Manager for Copyrighted Information
Defense Technical Information Center
Chair, CENDI Copyright Task Group

Government Works
(PDF, 8K)

John H. Raubitschek
Patent Counsel, Department of Commerce

U.S. Government Works Containing Copyrighted Material
(PDF, 8K)

Neil Mark
Attorney, U.S. Geological Survey

Checklist for Publishing Agreements
(PDF, 10K)

Kathleen Coleman
Senior Attorney, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency

Government Data Rights Under the FAR
(PowerPoint, 131K)

Gary Borda
Senior Patent Attorney, NASA Headquarters

Open Source Software
(PowerPoint, 61K)

Michael P. Hoffman
Intellectual Property Attorney, Department of Energy

Copyright–DoD Contracts & Open Source Software
(PowerPoint, 179K)

Flayo Kirk
Associate General Counsel
Defense Information Systems Agency

Fair Use Questions from Federal Libraries: Where Should We Draw the Line?
(Answers from the CENDI Frequently Asked Questions) (PDF, 30K)

Edited by Gary Borda

Approved for Public Release; Distribution Unlimited
U.S.Government Work (17 USC §105) Not copyrighted in the U.S.

Biographical Sketches