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State Nutrition Action Plans


Contact Name: Judy Midkiff
Phone: 804-527-4252


Establish and support partnerships and collaborative interventions between the USDA nutrition assistance programs and other related groups in prevention efforts targeted at overweight and obesity.

Objective 1:

Identify public and private stakeholders.


  • Formation of workgroup with public and private stakeholders whose focus areas include healthy lifestyles, health and wellness, low-income/limited-income persons.

  • Stakeholders should be able to bring address issues pertaining to: nutrition information, expertise in health/wellness, ability to bring information to people, ability to address barriers, and ability to leverage funding.

  • Identify existing related coalitions to identify potential stakeholders.

Lead Program and Staff: Cooperative Extension - Judy Midkiff

Completion Date: Ongoing

  • The current workgroup, Alliance for Healthier Virginians, formed in Fall 2006, and merged three previous workgroups, all of which had similar missions/goals. The three groups which merged include SNAP, Virginia Nutrition Assistance Network (VNAN), and the Leadership Council. The group continues to seek potential partners which could enhance and strengthen work toward the group's goals.

Objective 2:

Work collaboratively to develop and implement a plan which addresses the focus areas of the group.


  • Define the workgroup's purpose, focus areas.

  • Develop long and short-term goals and objectives within each focus area.

  • Develop a collaborative action plan to meet goals.

  • Development of a meeting schedule which supports the work of the Alliance.

  • Implement the plan collaboratively including process and impact evaluation components.

Lead Program and Staff: Cooperative Extension - Judy Midkiff 

Completion Date: Ongoing

  • The purpose of the workgroup was defined as, "The Alliance for Healthier Virginians is a partnering of organizations collaborating to advance nutrition and wellness for Virginians."

  • Focus areas of the workgroup include: working with the Governor's office, nutrition education across the lifespan, and advocating for funding.

  • To develop the collaborative plan, group members have begun working in small groups, each having their own focus area of which to concentrate. Each small group is working toward developing long-term goals with short term objectives for their particular focus area.

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Last Updated: 12/04/2008