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State Nutrition Action Plans


Contact Name: Cara V. Munson, RD, CD
Phone: 801-538-6836
Fax: 801-538-6729


Increase Fruit and Vegetable Consumption

Promote consumption of fruits and vegetables through partnerships and collaborative interventions between the nutrition assistance programs and other related groups.

Objective 1:

By January 1, 2008 Utah SNAP will create a statewide Data Report on all FNS programs and other low-income programs.


  • Gather data from all programs, put into a statewide report to share with stakeholders.

Lead Program and Staff:  

  • Heidi LeBlanc, Utah Food Stamp Nutrition Education

Completion Date: January 1, 2008

Objective 2:

By January 1, 2008 Utah SNAP will agree upon a logo or theme, and create a design to use on nutrition education materials.


  • Develop an idea or theme to address that will meet all programs' needs.

  • Determine a marketing strategy to use logo. Once theme is developed, then ideas will be shared with USU Extension Marketing team who will develop multiple strategies for a logo. Utah Snap will decide on the best one and then each entity will put the logo onto their materials and start developing ways to unify message.

Lead Program and Staff:  

  • Phyllis Crowley and Cara Munson, WIC
  • Heidi LeBlanc, Utah Food Stamp Nutrition Education

Completion Date: January 1, 2008

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Last Updated: 12/04/2008