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Process 2: Protect and Manage Habitats

Develop Habitat Plans

S2: Develop Land Protection Plans

Work Activity Description: develop preliminary project proposals; determine Land Conservation Plan priorities; conduct pre-planning for Land Conservation Plans; write and publish plans; prepare Land Protection Plans; develop and maintain Land Acquisition Priority System; develop plan and compliance documents, including intra-Service Section 7 and National Environmental Policy Act; develop Land Conservation Plan maps; maintain records of proposed and approved station boundaries; develop protection and conservation plans for Service and non-Service lands; display digital spatial data; compile and analyze digital spatial data.






Constraints: The cost of this activity makes up 1% or more of the appropriate process cost

Unit of Measure:


Cost Drivers:

S3: Develop Comprehensive Conservation Plans/h5>

Work Activity Description: determine Comprehensive Conservation Plan priorities; conduct pre-planning for Comprehensive Conservation Plans; write and publish document to include developing vision, goals and strategies; write compliance documents such as economic, National Environmental Policy Act and intra-Service Section 7 analyses; develop Comprehensive Conservation Plan maps; maintain planning records; conduct periodic review of Comprehensive Conservation Plans; display digital spatial data; compile, analyze, and report digital spatial data; hold public meetings; publish notices in the Federal Register announcing planning process and availability of draft and final plans; prepare or revise compatibility determinations for all activities and uses covered in the CCP; compile, analyze, and summarize public comments and prepare related revisions as necessary


Exclusions :



Constraints: The costs associated with this activity make up a significant portion of one CSF; The cost of this activity makes up 1% or more of the appropriate process cost

Unit of Measure:

Inputs: Refuge Administration Act, National Environmental Policy Act, Alaska National Interest Lands Conservation Act

Cost Drivers:

S4: Develop Strategic Landscape Based Plans and Projects/h5>

Work Activity Description: participate with federal agencies, national governmental organizations, state, and local agencies on long term strategic conservation and land use planning; provide mapping and Geographic Information System input; compile, analyze, and report digital spatial data; develop numerical models to simulate hydrologic conditions


  • Examples: Strategic Growth of the National Wildlife Refuge System Plan, and ecosystem landscape planning

Exclusions :

  • Work associated with Habitat Management Plans should be coded to activity S5: Develop Habitat Management Plans.




Constraints: The cost of this activity makes up 1% or more of the appropriate process cost

Unit of Measure:


Cost Drivers:

S5: Develop Habitat Management Plans /h5>

Work Activity Description: develop habitat restoration plans at multiple levels, for example, subbasin, riverbasin, watershed, ecosystem, at regional, state, or national levels; participate in partnership efforts, such as Watershed Councils; review plans; provide technical assistance to watershed groups; compile, analyze, and report digital spatial data; develop habitat management plans for National Wildlife Refuges (620 FW1).


  • Examples: Aquatic Habitat Management Plans ranging from products of National Estuary programs to Riverine Restoration Plans to restore upstream passage for aquatic biota, Refuge Habitat Management Plan



  • Planning includes the work leading to the development and implementation of goals, objectives, operational strategies, and progress evaluation.
  • Management Plan is a broadly-used term to describe a planning document for the manipulation of natural resources in order to achieve societal goals. A plan generally describes the historic and current resource characteristics or functions and outlines goals and objectives to establish or maintain those characteristics or functions at a desired condition. The plan may further describe specific actions and timetables by the participants to achieve those goals and a format to report progress towards this accomplishment.



Constraints: The costs associated with this activity make up a significant portion of one CSF

Unit of Measure:


Cost Drivers:

Inventory, Assess, and Monitor Habitats /h2>

T2: Inventory, Assess, and Monitor Wetlands/h5>

Work Activity Description: inventory: locate and research sources of aerial photography and collateral data; organize contract and proposal administration; create, collect, manipulate Geographic Information System Data; create original data; store and distribute data; combine existing data from other sources; use existing data from other sources; coordinate management, habitat information and Geographic Information System information to improve decision-making capability; conduct fieldwork; generate, distribute, and archive maps; digitize and interpret photos; conduct quality control and quality assurance; print and upload photos to Internet for distribution; maintain and verify cartographic accuracy and integrity of Geographic Information System data sets; ensure data in the system is current and secure; produce Geographic Information System products, summary analyses and metadata, and other related Geographic Information System data reports; archive maps and source data; provide ground truth photo interpretation, wetland locations and habitat classifications; verify wetland plant and habitat distribution; develop mapping partnerships, cooperative and reimbursable agreements; conduct Geographic Information System modeling and analysis activities; provide technical assistance; identify and prioritize digitizing or digital updating of maps, such as National Wetlands Inventory; plan for future use of Geographic Information System data and systems; identify potential new data sets to create; evaluate and prioritize uses of systems; identify new users of system data; manage digital source data and imagery, metadata, and Geodatabase data sets and systems; assess: analyze imagery; compare imagery; monitor: analyze changes in wetland acreage and distribution over time; compile and interpret data; prepare reports


Exclusions :




Constraints: The cost of this activity makes up 1% or more of the appropriate process cost

Unit of Measure:

Inputs: National Wildlife Refuge System Improvement Act, Emergency Wetlands Resource Act

Cost Drivers:

T3: Inventory, Assess, and Monitor Uplands/h5>

Work Activity Description: inventory: locate and research sources of aerial photography and collateral data; organize contract and proposal administration; create, collect, manipulate Geographic Information System Data; create original data; store and distribute data; combine existing data from other sources; use existing data from other sources; coordinate management, habitat information and Geographic Information System information to improve decision-making capability; conduct fieldwork; generate, distribute, and archive maps; digitize and interpret photos; conduct quality control and quality assurance; print and upload photos to Internet for distribution; maintain and verify cartographic accuracy and integrity of Geographic Information System data sets; ensure data in the system is current and secure; produce Geographic Information System products, summary analyses and metadata, and other related Geographic Information System data reports; archive maps and source data; provide ground truth photo interpretation, upland locations and habitat classifications; verify upland plant and habitat distribution; develop mapping partnerships, cooperative and reimbursable agreements; conduct Geographic Information System modeling and analysis activities; provide technical assistance; identify and prioritize digitizing or digital updating of maps; plan for future use of Geographic Information System data and systems; identify potential new data sets to create; evaluate and prioritize uses of systems; identify new users of system data; manage digital source data and imagery, metadata, and Geodatabase data sets and systems; assess: analyze imagery; compare imagery; monitor: analyze changes in upland acreage and distribution over time; compile and interpret data; prepare reports






Constraints: The cost of this activity makes up 1% or more of the appropriate process cost

Unit of Measure:

Inputs: National Wildlife Refuge System Improvement Act

Cost Drivers:

T4: Inventory, Assess, and Monitor Riparian/Stream Habitats/h5>

Work Activity Description: inventory: locate and research sources of aerial photography and collateral data; organize contract and proposal administration; create, collect, manipulate Geographic Information System Data; create original data; store and distribute data; combine existing data from other sources; use existing data from other sources; coordinate management, habitat information and Geographic Information System information to improve decision-making capability; conduct fieldwork; generate, distribute, and archive maps; digitize and interpret photos; conduct quality control and quality assurance; print and upload photos to Internet for distribution; maintain and verify cartographic accuracy and integrity of Geographic Information System data sets; ensure data in the system is current and secure; produce Geographic Information System products, summary analyses and metadata, and other related Geographic Information System data reports; archive maps and source data; provide ground truth photo interpretation, riparian locations and habitat classifications; verify riparian plant and habitat distribution; develop mapping partnerships, cooperative and reimbursable agreements; conduct Geographic Information System modeling and analysis activities; provide technical assistance; identify and prioritize digitizing or digital updating of maps; plan for future use of Geographic Information System data and systems; identify potential new data sets to create; evaluate and prioritize uses of systems; identify new users of system data; manage digital source data and imagery, metadata, and Geodatabase data sets and systems; assess: analyze imagery; compare imagery; monitor: analyze changes in riparian/stream acreage and distribution over time; compile and interpret data; prepare reports





Constraints: DOI Requirement

Unit of Measure:

Inputs: National Wildlife Refuge System Improvement Act

Cost Drivers:

T5: Inventory, Assess, and Monitor Marine/Coastal Habitats/h5>

Work Activity Description: inventory: locate and research sources of aerial photography and collateral data; organize contract and proposal administration; create, collect, manipulate Geographic Information System Data; create original data; store and distribute data; combine existing data from other sources; use existing data from other sources; coordinate management, habitat information and Geographic Information System information to improve decision-making capability; conduct fieldwork; generate, distribute, and archive maps; digitize and interpret photos; conduct quality control and quality assurance; print and upload photos to Internet for distribution; maintain and verify cartographic accuracy and integrity of Geographic Information System data sets; ensure data in the system is current and secure; produce Geographic Information System products, summary analyses and metadata, and other related Geographic Information System data reports; archive maps and source data; provide ground truth photo interpretation, marine/coastal locations and habitat classifications; verify marine/coastal plant and habitat distribution; develop mapping partnerships, cooperative and reimbursable agreements; conduct Geographic Information System modeling and analysis activities; provide technical assistance; identify and prioritize digitizing or digital updating of maps, such as Coastal Barrier Resources Act; plan for future use of Geographic Information System data and systems; identify potential new data sets to create; evaluate and prioritize uses of systems; identify new users of system data; manage digital source data and imagery, metadata, and Geodatabase data sets and systems; assess: analyze imagery; compare imagery; monitor: analyze changes in marine/coastal acreage and distribution over time; compile and interpret data; prepare reports





Constraints: DOI Requirement

Unit of Measure:

Inputs: Coastal Barrier Resources Act, National Wildlife Refuge System Improvement Act

Cost Drivers:

Manage and Protect Lands and Habitats /h2>

U2: Acquire and Manage Real Estate/h5>

Work Activity Description: acquire legal interests in fee real estate. Negotiations, land surveys, preacquistion contaminants surveys, title and closings, maps and records notation, relocation assistance, and perform records management; create and maintain easement or refuge boundary digital spatial data; issue just compensation statements, closings; complete cadastral surveys of boundaries; post boundaries; manage oil, gas, and mineral rights; manage submerged land issues; and manage title disputes, create maps, provide program support. Maintain Boundaries: survey, relocate, post, fence, map, enforce, and otherwise maintain station and special area boundaries. Appraisal, record keeping, and payments; create and maintain easement or refuge boundary digital spatial data. Examples include closure areas to protect wildlife, channel marking, special designation areas, external boundaries, and hunting areas; create and maintain easement or refuge boundary digital spatial data. This includes acquisition of less than fee interests (leasing in support of Service activities), appraisal review, RPMIS, property utilization surveys.

Other tasks include:

(1) Ensure that real property accounts are reconciled and inventories are documented;

(2) Maintain all records related to real property, including records of financial transactions related to real property;

(3) Reconcile official real property subsidiary data to the accounting system data at least monthly;

(4) Perform physical inventories. The inventory must be reconciled with financial and property records, and the accuracy of the results must be certified by the accountable officer or designee. These physical inventories must be coordinated with the OIG and other auditors;

(5) Maintain documentation of physical inventories. This documentation must be available for review by auditors; and

(6) Maintain close liaison with Chief Financial Officers and other personnel involved with real property to provide assurance that values reported are accurate. Track policies, procedures and responsibilities governing the receipt of personal property and services; and accountability, record keeping, management and survey of personal property in the Department of the Interior.

Laws and regulations include:.


  • Refuges is required to survey the land every five years as part of the revenue sharing statute.




Constraints: DOI Requirement; The costs associated with this activity make up a significant portion of one CSF; The cost of this activity makes up 1% or more of the appropriate process cost

Unit of Measure:

Inputs: CERCLA, RCRA, CWA and Departmental regulations, Refuge Revenue Sharing Act

Cost Drivers:

U3: Acquire Easements/h5>

Work Activity Description: develop or write conservation easements, conduct site visits and landowner contacts; prepare documents; create and maintain easement or refuge boundary digital spatial data; conduct landowner negotiations, appraisals, title curative, and negotiations; contaminant surveys, certificate of possession and inspection, closings, issue just compensation statements, and baseline inventories


  • This activity includes both easements held by FWS and those held by others, such as States and NGOs, but for which FWS expends funds to help develop and establish.




Constraints: The cost of this activity makes up 1% or more of the appropriate process cost

Unit of Measure:

Inputs: Refuge Administration Act, Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act, Alaska National Interest Lands Conservation Act, Refuge Systems Improvement Act, Migratory Bird Conservation Act

Cost Drivers:

U4: Exchange or Dispose of Lands/h5>

Work Activity Description: appraisal, preacquistion contaminants surveys, ensure internal NEPA compliance, marketing, and closing. Excludes disposal of facilities where the Service retains the land; create and maintain easement or refuge boundary digital spatial data





Constraints: DOI Requirement

Unit of Measure:

Inputs: Comprehensive Environmental Response Compensation and Liability Act of 198Ø, Resource Conservation and Recovery Act, Clean Water Act, Departmental regulations, Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act, Alaska National Interest Lands Conservation Act, Refuge Administration Act, Endangered Species Act, Migratory Bird Conservation Act

Cost Drivers:

U5: Manage Wilderness Areas/h5>

Work Activity Description: identify, plan, and manage designated wilderness areas; compile and analyze digital spatial data


  • Designated wilderness areas  

Exclusions :

  • All work associated with Comprehensive Conservation Plans, including wilderness reviews, is covered under work activity S3: Develop Comprehensive Conservation Plans.



Constraints: DOI Requirement; The costs associated with this activity make up a significant portion of one CSF

Unit of Measure:

Inputs: Wilderness Act, Wild and Scenic Rivers Act, and other Executive Orders

Cost Drivers:

U6: Manage Water Quality and Quantity/h5>

Work Activity Description: includes all compliance work associated with maintaining water quality, as measured by the percent of surface waters that meet State (EPA approved) Water Quality Standards, and surface and ground water quantity in system directly controlled by or influenced by Department of Interior, consistent with applicable federal and state law. This includes regulatory staff activities required to comply with management plans, whether in the field or office, contracted work for the same compliance work, and equipment purchased or leased.

Identify existing water rights; prepare water right maps; conduct water use and water right surveys; prepare and file water right applications and claims; participate in water right hearings; review new water use applications and challenge as needed; develop and implement water monitoring plans; design, install, and maintain water measuring systems; collect and analyze hydrologic data; prepare and submit water use reports; maintain water use records; monitor water rights; document water use; design, develop, collect, compile, analyze, report, and disseminate digital spatial data; provide technical assistance to land managers; develop numerical models to simulate hydrologic and hydro geologic conditions; assert Federal Reserved Water Rights; acquire instream flow water rights under State law; ensure and maintain instream flows.

Review water quality criteria, water standards, total maximum daily load, and Section 4Ø2 permits (National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System); measure, monitor, manage, manipulate and document water quality on facilities; work with other organizations to develop and coordinate water quality standards





Constraints: DOI Requirement; The costs associated with this activity make up a significant portion of one CSF; The cost of this activity makes up 1% or more of the appropriate process cost

Unit of Measure:


Cost Drivers:

Manage and Protect Habitats

V2: Manage and Protect Wetlands

Work Activity Description: conduct activities that result in a conservation practice being applied to the project site (manage) or conduct activities that result in the long-term prevention of degradation of the project site (protection). Protection activities may be in the form of preparation for conservation easement or fee title acquisition with associated land use restrictions or activities that maintain the biological function of an existing habitat e.g., fencing out feral ungulates from a sensitive plant site. Activities include: manage water levels; manage soil moisture; manipulate soil; manage tidal systems; prepare and maintain habitat maps; plan habitat operations; monitor habitat conditions, report accomplishments; manage submerged lands, marshes, and shorelines on beaches, rivers, and lakes; assist partners and private landowners with habitat improvement and wildlife issues; develop documents and implement strategies for integrated pest management and pesticide use proposals; ensure National Environmental Policy Act compliance (e.g., Section 7 consultations, Cultural Resources Consultation, Contaminant Surveys, Clean Water Act Section 404, local and state regulation compliance); provide funding as cooperative agreements, grants and contracts


  • This includes artificial and human-made wetlands.





Constraints: The costs associated with this activity make up a significant portion of one CSF; The cost of this activity makes up 1% or more of the appropriate process cost

Unit of Measure:

Inputs: Clean Water Act Section 4Ø4, Executive Orders 1199Ø and 11988, North American Waterfowl Management Plan, North American Wetlands Conservation Act, Migratory Bird Treaty Act, Fish and Wildlife Coordination Act, Neotropical Migratory Bird Act, National Environmental Policy Act, National Historic Preservation Act, National Wildlife Refuge Improvement Act, Alaska National Interest Lands Conservation Act;181 Mitigation Policy, NPI #89-Ø2 Mitigation Policy, Clean Water Act

Cost Drivers:

V3: Manage and Protect Uplands

Work Activity Description: conduct activities that result in a conservation practice being applied to the project site (manage) or conduct activities that result in the long-term prevention of degradation of the project site (protection). Protection activities may be in the form of preparation for conservation easement or fee title acquisition with associated land use restrictions or activities that maintain the biological function of an existing habitat e.g., fencing out feral ungulates from a sensitive plant site. Activities include: coordinate with partners; develop grants; develop and administer cooperative agreements; negotiate with farmers and other landowners ; conduct farming operations, that is, field preparation, plant, cultivate, and harvest; prepare and maintain habitat maps; plan habitat operations; monitor habitat conditions; report accomplishments; manage cropland activities by planning, preparing, planting, irrigating, harvesting, monitoring and maintaining croplands; develop documents and implement strategies for integrated pest management and pesticide use proposals; improve forest health; cut for regeneration, salvage, thin, or apply non-harvest forest management practices; monitor forests; spray for native forest insect and disease control and chemical tree injection for timber stand improvement; manage green tree reservoirs; assist partners and private landowners with habitat improvement and wildlife issues; oversee mowing and grazing operations; create, develop, or collect digital spatial data; ensure National Environmental Policy Act compliance (e.g., Section 7 consultations, Cultural Resources Consultation, Contaminant Surveys, Clean Water Act Section 404, local and state regulation compliance); provide funding as cooperative agreements, grants and contracts






Constraints: The costs associated with this activity make up a significant portion of one CSF; The cost of this activity makes up 1% or more of the appropriate process cost

Unit of Measure:

Inputs: North American Waterfowl Management Plan, North American Wetlands Conservation Act, Migratory Bird Treaty Act, Fish and Wildlife Coordination Act, Neotropical Migratory Bird Act, National Environmental Policy Act, National Historic Preservation Act, National Wildlife Refuge Improvement Act

Cost Drivers:

V4: Manage and Protect Riparian/Stream Habitats

Work Activity Description: conduct activities that result in a conservation practice being applied to the project site (manage) or conduct activities that result in the long-term prevention of degradation of the project site (protection). Protection activities may be in the form of preparation for conservation easement or fee title acquisition with associated land use restrictions or activities that maintain the biological function of an existing habitat e.g., fencing out feral ungulates from a sensitive plant site. Activities include: participate, assess data, provide analysis and appropriate flow schedules; participate, assist in, and provide flow studies; partnering with or advising federal agencies, non-governmental organizations, state and local agencies, private landowners, and tribes; provide flow and spill recommendations; assist partners and private landowners with wildlife issues; develop documents and implement strategies for integrated pest management and pesticide use proposals; design, develop, collect, compile, analyze, report, and disseminate digital spatial data associated to the management and protection project; ensure National Environmental Policy Act compliance (e.g., Section 7 consultations, Cultural Resources Consultation, Contaminant Surveys, Clean Water Act Section 404, local and state regulation compliance); provide funding as cooperative agreements, grants and contracts





Constraints: The cost of this activity makes up 1% or more of the appropriate process cost

Unit of Measure:

Inputs: North American Waterfowl Management Plan, North American Wetlands Conservation Act, Migratory Bird Treaty Act, Fish and Wildlife Coordination Act, Neotropical Migratory Bird Act, National Environmental Policy Act, National Historic Preservation Act, National Wildlife Refuge Improvement Act, Alaska National Interest Lands Conservation Act

Cost Drivers:

V5: Manage and Protect Marine and Coastal Habitats

Work Activity Description: conduct activities that result in a conservation practice being applied to the project site (manage) or conduct activities that result in the long-term prevention of degradation of the project site (protection). Protection activities may be in the form of preparation for conservation easement or fee title acquisition with associated land use restrictions or activities that maintain the biological function of an existing habitat e.g., fencing out feral ungulates from a sensitive plant site. Activities include: tasks to protect the biological integrity, diversity, and environmental health of marine and coastal habitats, including but not limited to: partnering with or advising federal agencies, non-governmental organizations, state and local agencies, private landowners, and tribes regarding land use planning, habitat protection, zoning, and regulating uses of coastal and marine habitats; providing mapping and Geographic Information System and associated analysis to support resource protection; reducing or eliminating various sources of pollutants; posting areas to identify restricted use zones; controlling erosion, shore nourishment or re-vegetation projects; removing shipwrecks or debris; installing artificial reefs; developing and conducting public outreach for coastal and marine habitat conservation; responding to public inquiries; preparing management plans, data analyses, and accomplishment reporting regarding coastal and marine habitat conservation; ensure National Environmental Policy Act compliance (e.g., Section 7 consultations, Cultural Resources Consultation, Contaminant Surveys, Clean Water Act Section 404, local and state regulation compliance); provide funding as cooperative agreements, grants and contracts





Constraints: The cost of this activity makes up 1% or more of the appropriate process cost

Unit of Measure:

Inputs: Coastal Zone Management Act, Fish and Wildlife Act, North American Waterfowl Management Plan, North American Wetlands Conservation Act, Migratory Bird Treaty Act, Fish and Wildlife Coordination Act, Neotropical Migratory Bird Act, National Environmental Policy Act, National Historic Preservation Act, National Wildlife Refuge Improvement Act, Executive Order 13158, Executive Order 13089 on Coral Reefs

Cost Drivers:

Restore and Enhance Habitats /h2>

W2: Restore Wetlands/h5>

Work Activity Description: activities that result in the return of biological functions to a degraded or destroyed wetland; implementation of restoration practices and the associated permit and compliance activities that lead up to the actual restoration; ensure National Environmental Policy Act compliance (e.g., Section 7 consultations, Cultural Resources Consultation, Contaminant Surveys, Clean Water Act Section 404, local and state regulation compliance); partnering with or advising federal agencies, non-governmental organizations, state and local agencies, private landowners, and tribes; assist partners and private landowners with habitat improvement and wildlife issues; provide funding, such as cooperative agreements, landowner agreements, grants and contracts; give management advice, planning and compliance assistance, examples include: water level manipulation, water purchase, nesting structures, fencing, plant and animal control; use prescribed burns to restore to desired habitat conditions; assist partners and private landowners with habitat improvement and wildlife issues; develop documents and implement strategies for integrated pest management and pesticide use proposals; fill drainage ditches; break drainage tiles; alter topography, soils, and existing vegetation; design, develop, collect, compile, analyze, monitor, report, and disseminate digital spatial data associated with restoration projects


  • This includes forested wetlands such as bottomland forest, mangrove forests, cypress forests restoration.


  • If the primary purpose of the activity or the majority of work accomplished is directly related to threatened or endangered species recovery, then time and other costs should be charged to the activity D2: Implement Recovery Actions for T&E Species.



Constraints: DOI Requirement; PART; The costs associated with this activity make up a significant portion of one CSF; The cost of this activity makes up 1% or more of the appropriate process cost

Unit of Measure:

Inputs: Fish and Wildlife Coordination Act Section 1 16USC661, Fish and Wildlife Act Section 7 16USC742(f)(a)(4), North American Waterfowl Management Plan, North American Wetlands Conservation Act, Migratory Bird Treaty Act, Fish and Wildlife Coordination Act, Neotropical Migratory Bird Act, National Environmental Policy Act, National Historic Preservation Act

Cost Drivers:

W3: Restore Uplands/h5>

Work Activity Description: activities that result in the return of biological functions to a degraded or destroyed habitat; implementation of restoration practices and the associated permit and compliance activities that lead up to the actual restoration ensure National Environmental Policy Act compliance (e.g., Section 7 consultations, Cultural Resources Consultation, Contaminant Surveys, Clean Water Act Section 404, local and state regulation compliance); partnering with or advising federal agencies, non-governmental organizations, state and local agencies, private landowners, and tribes; examples include: prepare seedbed; replant grassland; harvest seeds; prepare restoration plans; monitor restoration actions; use prescribed burns to restore to desired habitat conditions; work with partners and private landowners; provide funding as cooperative agreements, grants and contracts; develop documents and implement strategies for integrated pest management and pesticide use proposals; design, develop, collect, compile, analyze, report, and disseminate digital spatial data associated with restoration projects



  • If the primary purpose of the activity or the majority of work accomplished is directly related to threatened or endangered species recovery, then time and other costs should be charged to the activity D2: Implement Recovery Actions for T&E Species.




Constraints: DOI Requirement; The cost of this activity makes up 1% or more of the appropriate process cost

Unit of Measure:

Inputs: Fish and Wildlife Coordination Act Section 1 16USC661, Fish and Wildlife Act Section 7 16USC742(f)(a)(4), North American Waterfowl Management Plan, North American Wetlands Conservation Act, Migratory Bird Treaty Act, Fish and Wildlife Coordination Act, Neotropical Migratory Bird Act, National Environmental Policy Act, National Historic Preservation Act

Cost Drivers:

W4: Restore Riparian/Stream Habitats/h5>

Work Activity Description: activities that result in the return of biological functions to a degraded or destroyed habitat; implementation of restoration practices and the associated permit and compliance activities that lead up to the actual restoration mechanical, physical, qualitative restoration of the stream; includes in-stream habitat; ensure National Environmental Policy Act compliance (e.g., Section 7 consultations, Cultural Resources Consultation, Contaminant Surveys, Clean Water Act Section 404, local and state regulation compliance); partnering with or advising federal agencies, non-governmental organizations, state and local agencies, private landowners, and tribes; prepare seedbed; replant grassland; harvest seeds; prepare restoration plans; monitor restoration actions; control planting and erosion; work with partners and private landowners; provide funding as cooperative agreements, landowner agreements, grants and contracts; develop documents and implement strategies for integrated pest management and pesticide use proposals; design, develop, collect, compile, analyze, report, and disseminate digital spatial data; remove fish barriers; offer training in instream riverine restoration techniques; assess the need and appropriate riverine contours to restore channelized streams; recommend changes in the instream benthic environment to improve flow characteristics and fisheries habitat; develop documents and implement strategies for integrated pest management and pesticide use proposals; design, develop, collect, compile, analyze, report, and disseminate digital spatial data associated with restoration projects



  • If the primary purpose of the activity or the majority of work accomplished is directly related to threatened or endangered species recovery, then time and other costs should be charged to the activity D2: Implement Recovery Actions for T&E Species.




Constraints: DOI Requirement; The cost of this activity makes up 1% or more of the appropriate process cost

Unit of Measure:

Inputs: Fish and Wildlife Coordination Act Section 1 16USC661, Fish and Wildlife Act Section 7 16USC742(f)(a)(4), North American Waterfowl Management Plan, North American Wetlands Conservation Act, Migratory Bird Treaty Act, Fish and Wildlife Coordination Act, Neotropical Migratory Bird Act, National Environmental Policy Act, National Historic Preservation Act, National Wildlife Refuges Improvement Act

Cost Drivers:

W5: Restore Marine and Coastal Habitats/h5>

Work Activity Description: activities that result in the return of biological functions to a degraded or destroyed coastal habitat; implementation of restoration practices and the associated permit and compliance activities that lead up to the actual restoration; partnering with or advising federal agencies, non-governmental organizations, state and local agencies, private landowners, and tribes; provide funding as cooperative agreements, landowner agreements, grants and contracts; ensure National Environmental Policy Act compliance (e.g., Section 7 consultations, Cultural Resources Consultation, Contaminant Surveys, Clean Water Act Section 404, local and state regulation compliance); plan and conduct compliance; examples include: alter topography, soils, and existing vegetation; replant native species; prepare restoration plans; monitor restoration actions; develop documents and implement strategies for integrated pest management and pesticide use proposals; design, develop, collect, compile, analyze, report, and disseminate digital spatial data associated with restoration projects



  • If the primary purpose of the activity or the majority of work accomplished is directly related to threatened or endangered species recovery, then time and other costs should be charged to the activity D2: Implement Recovery Actions for T&E Species.




Constraints: DOI Requirement; The costs associated with this activity make up a significant portion of one CSF; The cost of this activity makes up 1% or more of the appropriate process cost

Unit of Measure:

Inputs: 181 Mitigation Policy, NPI #89-Ø2 Mitigation Policy, North American Waterfowl Management Plan, North American Wetlands Conservation Act, Migratory Bird Treaty Act, Fish and Wildlife Coordination Act, Neotropical Migratory Bird Act, National Environmental Policy Act, National Historic Preservation Act

Cost Drivers:

Ensure Environmental Compliance /h2>

Ensure Environmental Quality and Safety

X2: Evaluate and Audit Environmental Safety and Compliance

Work Activity Description: review plans; evaluate environmental compliance; document findings; provide technical assistance with resolving compliance issues; track audit finding compliance and abatement through centralized environmental auditing database; test, identify, and abate, where necessary, lead-based paint and asbestos


  • Spill prevention control, countermeasure plans, field station asbestos survey inventories, and residential lead-based paint inventories




Constraints: DOI Requirement; The cost of this activity makes up 1% or more of the appropriate process cost

Unit of Measure:


Cost Drivers:

X3: Conduct Contaminant Assessments

Work Activity Description: complete contamination assessment process for National Wildlife Refuge lands; investigate contaminant effects on species and habitats on and off National Wildlife Refuge lands; identify contaminant sources and pathways potentially affecting National Wildlife Refuge; collect and analyze contaminant-related information on and off-refuges; provide Environmental Protection Agency review and assessments for toxics, such as metals and pesticides; compile, analyze, and report digital spatial data; operate National Pollution Discharge Elimination System; conduct Cooperative Agreements Program


  • Includes the review of all pesticide use proposals


  • Charge time for preacquisition contaminant surveys to work activity M8: Acquire and Manage Real Estate.




Constraints: The cost of this activity makes up 1% or more of the appropriate process cost

Unit of Measure:

Inputs: Regulatory Impact Analyses, Clean Water Act, Comprehensive Environmental Response Compensation and Liability Act, Migratory Bird Treaty Act and Endangered Species Act, Resource Conservation and Recovery Act, Fish and Wildlife Coordination Act, Cooperative Agreements Program

Cost Drivers:

X4: Clean up Contaminated Service Lands

Work Activity Description: plan, review, develop and conduct contaminant cleanups, such as soil remediation, hazardous site identifications, planning, and technical evaluations





Constraints: The costs associated with this activity make up a significant portion of one CSF; The cost of this activity makes up 1% or more of the appropriate process cost

Unit of Measure:

Inputs: Resource Conservation and Recovery Act, Comprehensive Environmental Response Compensation and Liability Act, Clean Water Act

Cost Drivers:

X5: Ensure Air Quality

Work Activity Description: monitor air quality and document impacts; review permitted activities; develop and coordinate standards; monitor air quality in Class 1 wilderness areas; review applications for activities that may impact Class 1 wilderness areas; work with other federal organizations to develop and coordinate quality standards





Constraints: DOI Requirement; The costs associated with this activity make up a significant portion of one CSF

Unit of Measure:

Inputs: Regional Haze Standards and National Environmental Policy Act, Wilderness Act

Cost Drivers:

Respond to Hazardous Waste Issues and Spills

Y2: Prepare for and Implement Spill Response Plans

Work Activity Description: develop spill response plans, including spill prevention, control, countermeasures (Spill Prevention Control and Countermeasure Plans), and assistance in the development of Coast Guard and Environmental Protection Agency spill response plans per the Oil Pollution Act Memorandum of Agreement; respond to oil and hazardous materials spills through the Incident Command System; participate in regional response team meetings; prepare cost documentation to submit to the Coast Guard or Estuary Protection Act for reimbursement of funds






Unit of Measure:

Inputs: Oil Pollution Act, Clean Water Act and Comprehensive Environmental Response Compensation and Liability Act

Cost Drivers:

Y3: Review Hazardous Waste Actions

Work Activity Description: provide technical assistance to states, tribes and other agencies, especially the Environmental Protection Agency, the Department of Defense and the Department of Energy regarding effects to natural resources from hazardous waste; assist in cleanups; participate in Biological Technical Assistance Groups and Engineering Technical Assistance Groups





Constraints: DOI Requirement; The cost of this activity makes up 1% or more of the appropriate process cost

Unit of Measure:

Inputs: Comprehensive Environmental Response Compensation and Liability Act, Resource Conservation and Recovery Act, Fish and Wildlife Coordination Act

Cost Drivers:

Y4: Conduct Natural Resource Damage Assessments

Work Activity Description: identify and quantify potential injuries and damages to trust resources; attend court in coordination with other governmental agencies, state, and tribal co-trustees; respond to Notice(s) of Intent; provide input for responding to complaints or drafting declarations; assist with legal briefs; compile administrative records; provide input into negotiations; assist with settlement memos and discoveries; respond to interrogatories and depositions; provide expert testimony; conduct court hearings and negotiations; provide policy review and guidance; develop litigation strategy with the Office of the Solicitor; maintain litigation database; compile, analyze, and report digital spatial data






Constraints: The cost of this activity makes up 1% or more of the appropriate process cost

Unit of Measure:

Inputs: Comprehensive Environmental Response Compensation and Liability Act, Oil Pollution Act and Clean Water Act, Resource Conservation and Recovery Act

Cost Drivers:

Conduct Environmental Review for Customers

Z2: Review and Develop Environmental Provisions for Federal Projects, Plans, and Permits

Work Activity Description:

  • Activities include all technical assistance on energy, transportation (e.g., Federal highways and airport projects), water supply and distribution, restoration (e.g., Everglades, Coastal Wetlands Planning, Protection, and Restoration Act) and other projects and related actions under the Fish and Wildlife Coordination Act (FWCA), Clean Water Act (CWA), National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA), and other Project Planning-related authorities.
  • Examples of tasks include: conducting investigations; assessing impacts; participating early and throughout the planning process for Energy-related, Transportation-related, Water Supply-related, Restoration-related, or other projects, plans, and permits; making recommendations; May also include engagement on actions including beach nourishment and other flood protection; navigation; Forest Plans and Integrated Natural Resource Management Plans; non-energy minerals; and grazing.
  • Reviewing NEPA documents and proposals for completeness and environmental compliance; preparing FWCA reports and planning aid letters, as well as CWA reviews; and offering other related environmental technical assistance. Managing and overseeing program and staff, and developing program policy and guidance and following-up with Action Agencies to the decision-document stage.


  • Can include projects, permits, and/or plans related to the Corps of Engineers; tribal governments; Department of Transportation; Bureau of Reclamation; Bureau of Land Management; Department of Defense; Integrated Natural Resource Management Plans; Forest Service;National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration; Natural Resources Conservation Service; Department of Interior and other Federal organizations, state, and local partners.
  • This category DOES include reviews related to oil and gas pipelines, mineral leasing, farm bill, wind energy, and other relevant actions.


  • This activity does NOT include actions related to hydropower licensing For project reviews under the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) hydropower licensing, relicensing, and exemption processes charge to the appropriate code from among Z3: Review and Develop Environmental Provisions for FERC Hydropower Project - Municipal (MUN) or Z4: Review and Develop Environmental Provisions for FERC Hydropower Project - Non-Municipal (PUB) or Z5: Review and Develop Environmental Provisions for FERC Hydropower Project - Non-Specific (COM).



Constraints: The cost of this activity makes up 1% or more of the appropriate process costs.

Unit of Measure:

Inputs: Clean Water Act Sections 4Ø4, 312 and 316; Migratory Bird Treaty Act, National Environmental Policy Act, Endangered Species Act, Coastal Barrier Resources Act, Federal Power Act, Wild and Scenic Rivers Act Section 7(a), Rivers and Harbors Act Section 1Ø, Fish and Wildlife Coordination Act

Cost Drivers: Number of Project Reviews Received and Completed (HC)


Z3: Review, Develop and Implement Environmental Provisions for FERC Hydropower Projects - Municipal (MUN)

Work Activity Description:

  • Activities include work in the "municipal" Federal Energy Regulatory Commission hydropower licensing and relicensing processes.
  • Examples of municipal project owners include Richmond City Power, Seattle City Light, Grant County PUD, Eugene Water and Electric Board, and the Oroville-Wyandotte Irrigation District.
  • Work activities related to the review, issuance, and monitoring of section 30(c) exempted projects are countable pursuant to cost recovery guidelines.


  • Includes time spent by Service staff working on FERC licensings/relicensings even after licensing has been completed to ensure they are being implemented in manners consistent with licensing terms, conditions and timetables.



  • The term "municipal" includes all domestic non-Federal Government entities such as States, cities, counties, public utility districts, irrigation districts, etc. Owners of municipal hydropower projects can claim municipal preference under section 7(a) of the FPA.

Constraints: DOI Requirement

Unit of Measure:


Cost Drivers:

Review, Develop and Implement Environmental Provisions for FERC Hydropower Projects - Non-Municipal (PUB)

Work Activity Description:

  • Activities include work in the "non-municipal" Federal Energy Regulatory Commission hydropower licensing and relicensing processes. "Non-municipal" projects include independent energy companies not affiliated with cities, towns, counties, or other municipalities. Owners of non-municipal hydropower projects cannot claim municipal preference under section 7(a) of the FPA.
  • Examples of non-municipal project owners include Duke Energy, Puget Sound Energy, PacifiCorp, Alaska Power and Light, Idaho Power Company, Alabama Power Company, and Southern California Edison.
  • Work activities related to the review, issuance, and monitoring of section 30(c) exempted projects are countable pursuant to cost recovery guidelines.


  • Includes time spent by Service staff working on FERC licensings/relicensings even after licensing has been completed to ensure they are being implemented in manners consistent with licensing terms, conditions and timetables.





Constraints: DOI Requirement; The costs associated with this activity make up a significant portion of one CSF

Unit of Measure:


Cost Drivers:

Z5: Review, Develop and Implement Environmental Provisions for FERC Hydropower Projects - Non-Specific (COM)

Work Activity Description:

  • Costs (time and non-labor expenses) associated with performing general hydropower program activities that are not specific to municipal or non-municipal projects should be coded in this category.
  • Activities in this Federal Energy Regulatory Commission category include meeting attendance, including workshops, conferences, and training, with the Department, FERC, Government Accounting Office, industry, or other entities to discuss hydropower projects and project licensing.
  • Notes:

    • Includes time spent by Service staff working on FERC licensings/relicensings even after licensing has been completed to ensure they are being implemented in manners consistent with licensing terms, conditions and timetables.




    Constraints: DOI Requirement

    Unit of Measure:


    Cost Drivers:

    Z6: Manage Oil and Gas Activities

    Work Activity Description: manage oil and gas exploration, development, and production activities on units of the National Wildlife Refuge System. Review titles and real estate records, negotiate Special Use Permits and Access Agreements. Develop specific conditions for maximizing resource protection, monitoring oil and gas activities, assess impacts to fish, wildlife, and habitat, coordination with other regulatory agencies, and develop restoration plans.


    • These oil and gas activities include seismic exploration, drilling, production, pipelines, and plugging wells.





    Unit of Measure:


    Cost Drivers:

    Manage Fire Operations /h2>

    2A: Prepare for Wildland Fires/h5>

    Work Activity Description: all work associated with preparing for wildland fires. Preparedness includes: all labor and operational costs of planned and predictable wildland fire management elements (except fuels reduction treatments, suppression, and rehabilitation); first eight (8) hours of regular time up to 4Ø hours per week of all employees coding their regular time to this activity that are assigned to wildland fire duties; recruiting, hiring and training personnel; purchase of and contracting for equipment, supplies, support, planning and coordination; policy development and oversight; interagency coordination and direction; funding of research projects by Universities and other scientific organizations, including administrative and support costs; detection devices; severity (escalated preparedness costs) required due to abnormally high or extreme fire danger, or fire seasons that start earlier than planned in the fire management plan or last longer than planned in the fire management plan.






    Constraints: DOI Requirement; The costs associated with this activity make up a significant portion of one CSF; The cost of this activity makes up 1% or more of the appropriate process cost

    Unit of Measure:


    Cost Drivers:

    2B: Prepare Fire Management Plans/h5>

    Work Activity Description: a fire management plan is a strategic plan designed to specifically guide the full range of fire management activities in a unit or area. Fire management plans are a subset of broader resource management plans for parks, refuges, reservations, and other public lands managed by Interior. Fire management plans include documentation of resource management objectives and activities such as restoring or maintaining forest or rangeland health, protecting communities and public safety. New plans should be developed and implemented across agency boundaries.


    • The activity includes all costs associated with the preparation of fire management plans, including, but not limited to:
      • personnel costs for preparation
      • collaboration (outreach, meetings, public meetings, etc.) with other entities and the public
      • consultation with tribes
      • NEPA analysis
      • coordination and cross-walking with other existing implementation plans
      • third party contracting
      • costs associated with document preparation such as printing, collating and distribution
      • training associated with preparing staff to complete the plans
      • research and data searches
      • GIS queries




    Constraints: DOI Requirement; The costs associated with this activity make up a significant portion of one CSF; The cost of this activity makes up 1% or more of the appropriate process cost

    Unit of Measure:


    Cost Drivers:

    2C: Reduce Hazardous Fuels - Prescribed Fire (Non-WUI) /h5>

    Work Activity Description: treatments to reduce the buildup of hazardous fuels outside the wildland urban interface to support land/resource management plan goals and objectives to restore or maintain healthy forests and rangelands using prescribed fire. Where multiple treatments are necessary to meet fuel treatment objectives, such as mechanical treatment followed by prescribed fire, each treatment is counted individually and reported to the specific work activity.


    • Costs for this activity include:
      • salaries, benefits, travel and supplies for personnel directly involved in planning fuels management treatments outside the WUI including: staff time for collaboration (outreach, community workshops, meetings, public meetings, etc.) with other entities and the public, consultation with tribes, risk assessments, NEPA and ESA analyses, mitigation planning, condition class assessments, identification of treatment needs, coordination and cross walking with other existing implementation plans, compliance with state (e.g. smoke), other federal, and local laws, third party contracting, burn plans, etc.
      • salaries, benefits, travel and supplies for personnel directly involved in preparing and implementing fuels management treatments within the WUI including: on-the-ground manipulation of vegetation and soil, contracts, equipment, equipment rental, initial treatment effects monitoring, plot establishment, aircraft flight time, and initial construction of fuel breaks designed to protect the WUI
      • training in fuels treatment methods and techniques
      • costs associated with developing fuels treatment methods and techniques
      • costs associated with document preparation such as printing, collating, and distribution,
      • training associated with preparing staff to complete plans, research and data searches and GIS associated activities.
      • training associated with developing and attending NWCG certified prescribed fire curriculum


    • Certain costs are excluded from this activity including cultural and historical surveys, T&E species surveys, and archeological surveys



    Constraints: DOI Requirement; The costs associated with this activity make up a significant portion of one CSF; The cost of this activity makes up 1% or more of the appropriate process cost

    Unit of Measure:


    Cost Drivers:

    2D: Reduce Hazardous Fuels - Mechanical (Non-WUI)/h5>

    Work Activity Description: treatments to reduce the buildup of hazardous fuels outside the wildland urban interface to support land/resource management plan goals and objectives to restore or maintain forest and rangeland health using manual or mechanical methods. Mechanical treatments include hand or mechanical thinning, pruning, crushing, chopping, lop and scatter, piling, brush cutting, chipping, etc. to reduce wildland fuels hazards. Where multiple treatments are necessary to meet fuel treatment objectives, such as mechanical treatment followed by prescribed fire, each treatment is counted individually and charged to the specific work activity.


    • Costs for this activity include:
      • salaries, benefits, travel and supplies for personnel directly involved in planning fuels management treatments outside the WUI including: staff time for collaboration (outreach, community workshops, meetings, public meetings, etc.) with other entities and the public, consultation with tribes, risk assessments, NEPA and ESA analyses, mitigation planning, condition class assessments, identification of treatment needs, coordination and cross-walking with other existing implementation plans, compliance with state, other federal, and local laws, third party contracting, etc.
      • salaries, benefits, travel and supplies for personnel directly involved in preparing and implementing fuels management treatments outside the WUI including: on-the-ground manipulation of vegetation and soil, contracts, equipment, equipment rental, initial treatment effects monitoring, plot establishment, and aircraft flight time
      • training in fuels treatment methods and techniques
      • costs associated with developing fuels treatment methods and techniques
      • costs associated with document preparation such as printing, collating, and distribution,
      • training associated with preparing staff to complete plans, research and data searches and GIS associated activities.


    • Certain costs are excluded from this activity including cultural and historical surveys, T&E species surveys, and archeological surveys.



    Constraints: DOI Requirement

    Unit of Measure:


    Cost Drivers:

    2E: Reduce Hazardous Fuels - Other Methods (Non-WUI)/h5>

    Work Activity Description: other fuels reduction treatments are specific fuels treatments undertaken using chemical or biological agents with the defined objective of mitigating the risk to a community for wildland fire on federal lands. Each project is undertaken within the guidance outlined in a project specific plan compliant with all applicable Federal, Tribal, State, and local law. Where multiple treatments are necessary to meet fuel treatment objectives, each treatment is counted individually and charged to the specific work activity.


    • Costs for this activity include:
      • salaries, benefits, travel and supplies for personnel directly involved in planning fuels management treatments including: staff time for collaboration (outreach, community workshops, meetings, public meetings, etc.) with other entities and the public, consultation with tribes, risk assessments, NEPA and ESA analyses, mitigation planning, condition class assessments, identification of treatment needs, coordination and cross-walking with other existing implementation plans, chemical prescriptions, compliance with state, other federal, and local laws, third party contracting, etc.
      • salaries, benefits, travel and supplies for personnel directly involved in preparing and implementing fuels management treatments including: on-the-ground manipulation of vegetation and soil, contracts, equipment, equipment rental, initial treatment effects monitoring, plot establishment, and aircraft flight time
      • training in fuels treatment methods and techniques
      • costs associated with developing fuels treatment methods and techniques
      • costs associated with document preparation such as printing, collating, and distribution,
      • training associated with preparing staff to complete plans, research and data searches and GIS associated activities.


    • Certain costs are excluded from this activity including cultural and historical surveys, T&E species surveys, and archeological surveys.



    Constraints: DOI Requirement

    Unit of Measure:


    Cost Drivers:

    2F: Reduce Hazardous Fuels - Prescribed Fire (WUI) /h5>

    Work Activity Description: treatments to reduce the buildup of hazardous fuels in the wildland urban interface to provide for firefighter and public safety and support land/resource management plan goals and objectives using prescribed fire. Where multiple treatments are necessary to meet fuel treatment objectives, such as mechanical treatment followed by prescribed fire, each treatment is counted individually and charged to the specific work activity.


    • Costs for this activity include:
      • salaries, benefits, travel and supplies for personnel directly involved in planning fuels management treatments within the WUI including: staff time for collaboration (outreach, community workshops, meetings, public meetings, etc.) with other entities and the public, consultation with tribes, risk assessments, NEPA and ESA analyses, mitigation planning, condition class assessments, identification of treatment needs, coordination and cross-walking with other existing implementation plans, compliance with state (e.g. smoke), burn plans, other federal, and local laws, third party contracting, etc.
      • salaries, benefits, travel and supplies for personnel directly involved in preparing and implementing fuels management treatments within the WUI including: on-the-ground manipulation of vegetation and soil, contracts, equipment, equipment rental, initial treatment effects monitoring, plot establishment, aircraft flight time, and initial construction of fuel breaks designed to protect the WUI
      • training in prescribed fire fuels treatment methods and techniques
      • costs associated with developing fuels treatment methods and techniques
      • costs associated with document preparation such as printing, collating, and distribution
      • training associated with preparing staff to complete plans, research and data searches and GIS associated activities.


    • This activity does not include costs for cultural and historical surveys, T&E species surveys, and archeological surveys.




    Constraints: DOI Requirement; The cost of this activity makes up 1% or more of the appropriate process cost

    Unit of Measure:


    Cost Drivers:

    2G: Reduce Hazardous Fuels - Mechanical (WUI)/h5>

    Work Activity Description: treatments to reduce the buildup of hazardous fuels in the wildland urban interface to provide for firefighter and public safety and support land/resource management plan goals and objectives using manual or mechanical methods. Mechanical treatments include hand or mechanical thinning, pruning, crushing, chopping, lop and scatter, piling, brush cutting, chipping, etc. to reduce wildland fuels hazards. Where multiple treatments are necessary to meet fuel treatment objectives, such as mechanical treatment followed by prescribed fire, each treatment is counted individually and charged to the specific work activity.


    • Costs for this activity include:
      • salaries, benefits, travel and supplies for personnel directly involved in planning fuels management treatments within the WUI including: staff time for collaboration (outreach, community workshops, meetings, public meetings, etc.) with other entities and the public, consultation with tribes, risk assessments, NEPA and ESA analyses, mitigation planning, condition class assessments, identification of treatment needs, coordination and cross-walking with other existing implementation plans, compliance with state, other federal, and local laws, third party contracting, etc.
      • salaries, benefits, travel and supplies for personnel directly involved in preparing and implementing fuels management treatments within the WUI including: on-the-ground manipulation of vegetation and soil, contracts, equipment, equipment rental, initial treatment effects monitoring, plot establishment, and aircraft flight time
      • training in fuels treatment methods and techniques
      • costs associated with developing fuels treatment methods and techniques
      • costs associated with document preparation such as printing, collating, and distribution,
      • training associated with preparing staff to complete plans, research and data searches and GIS associated activities


    • This activity does not include costs for cultural and historical surveys, T&E species surveys, and archeological surveys.



    Constraints: DOI Requirement

    Unit of Measure:


    Cost Drivers:

    2H: Reduce Hazardous Fuels - Other Methods (WUI)/h5>

    Work Activity Description: other fuels reduction treatments (WUI) are specific fuels treatments undertaken using chemical or biological agents with the defined objective of mitigating the risk to a community for wildland fire on federal lands. Each project is undertaken within the guidance outlined in a project specific plan compliant with all applicable Federal, Tribal, State, and local law. Where multiple treatments are necessary to meet fuel treatment objectives, each treatment is counted individually and charged to the specific work activity.


    • Costs for this activity include:
      • salaries, benefits, travel and supplies for personnel directly involved in planning fuels management treatments within the WUI including: staff time for collaboration (outreach, community workshops, meetings, public meetings, etc.) with other entities and the public, consultation with tribes, risk assessments, NEPA and ESA analyses, mitigation planning, condition class assessments, identification of treatment needs, coordination and cross-walking with other existing implementation plans, chemical prescriptions, compliance with state, other federal, and local laws, third party contracting, etc.
      • salaries, benefits, travel and supplies for personnel directly involved in preparing and implementing fuels management treatments within the WUI including: on-the-ground manipulation of vegetation and soil, contracts, equipment, equipment rental, initial treatment effects monitoring, plot establishment, and aircraft flight time
      • training in fuels treatment methods and techniques
      • costs associated with developing fuels treatment methods and techniques
      • costs associated with document preparation such as printing, collating, and distribution,
      • training associated with preparing staff to complete plans, research and data searches and GIS associated activities


    • This activity does not include costs for cultural and historical surveys, T&E species surveys, and archeological surveys




    Constraints: DOI Requirement

    Unit of Measure:

    2J: Suppress Wildland Fires (Non-WUI)/h5>

    Work Activity Description: responding to unwanted and unplanned wild fires beyond the wildland urban interface with the intention of controlling them to avoid loss of life and property and natural resources. Suppression responses are consistent with the direction outlined in approved fire management plans. Labor and other costs associated with the suppression of unplanned and unwanted wildland fires include: - salaries and benefits of firefighting and support personnel (excluding the base 8 hours of regular time each day up to 40 hours per week for fire personnel and including base 8 for non-fire personnel who are working on a fire suppression operation) - aircraft operations, logistical and subsistence support costs for all employees assigned to the fire, - supplies and equipment (including replacement of lost or destroyed capitalized and expendable equipment covered by a board of survey action), - contracts for goods and services, rental of equipment and facilities, associated logistical support, and measures taken to correct damages resulting from actions taken to suppress the wildfire. - costs associated with investigation and review activities related to specific wildland fires - costs of returning suppression equipment to a serviceable condition. - costs associated with escalated preparedness (severity) that is required due to abnormally high or extreme fire danger, or fire seasons that start earlier than planned in the fire management plan or last longer than planned in the fire management plan.





    Constraints: DOI Requirement

    Unit of Measure:


    Cost Drivers:

    2K: Suppress Wildland Fires (WUI)/h5>

    Work Activity Description: responding to unwanted and unplanned wild fires in the wildland urban interface (WUI) with the intention of controlling them to avoid loss of life and property, natural resources, and social and economic values. Suppression responses are consistent with the direction outlined in approved fire management plans.


    • Labor and other costs associated with the suppression of unplanned and unwanted wildland fires include:
    • Salaries and benefits of firefighting and support personnel (excluding the base 8 hours of regular time each day up to 40 hours per week for fire personnel and including base 8 for non-fire personnel who are working on a fire suppression operation)
    • Aircraft operations, logistical and subsistence support costs for all employees assigned to the fire,
    • Supplies and equipment (including replacement of lost or destroyed capitalized and expendable equipment covered by a board of survey action),
    • Contracts for goods and services, rental of equipment and facilities, associated logistical support, and measures taken to correct damages resulting from actions taken to suppress the wildfire.
    • Costs associated with investigation and review activities related to specific wildland fires
    • Costs of returning suppression equipment to a serviceable condition.
    • Costs associated with escalated preparedness (severity) that is required due to abnormally high or extreme fire danger, or fire seasons that start earlier than planned in the fire management plan or last longer than planned in the fire management plan.




    Constraints: DOI Requirement; The costs associated with this activity make up a significant portion of one CSF

    Unit of Measure:


    Cost Drivers:

    2L: Stabilize Burned Areas/h5>

    Work Activity Description: planned actions within one year of a wildland fire to stabilize and prevent unacceptable degradation of natural and cultural resources, to minimize threats to life or property resulting from the effects of a fire, or to repair/replace/construct physical improvements necessary to prevent degradation of land or resources.


    • Costs associated with emergency stabilization of burned areas include:
      • work to prevent land degradation, resource losses, other measures necessary to stabilize erodible soils, structures, or other conditions or damage caused by wildfire
      • planning, collaboration (outreach, meetings, public meetings, etc.) with other entities and the public
      • consultation with tribes
      • NEPA analysis
      • ESA section 7 threatened and endangered species consultation and review
      • coordination and cross-walking with other existing implementation plans
      • third party contracting, cultural clearances, condition class assessments
      • compliance with other Federal, state, and local laws
      • identification of treatment
      • seeding/mulching to prevent erosion
      • seeding to prevent permanent impairment of critical habitat for Federal and state listed, proposed or candidate threatened and endangered species.
      • seeding to prevent establishment of invasive plants
      • direct treatment of invasive plants
      • structural measures to slow soil & water movement
      • stabilize critical heritage resources
      • protective fences or barriers to protect treated or recovering area
      • replacing/repairing (minor) facilities essential to public health and safety
      • conducting assessments of habitat and significant heritage sites in those areas affected by emergency stabilization treatments
      • patrolling, camouflaging, burying significant heritage sites to prevent looting
      • increasing road drainage frequency and/or capacity to handle additional post-fire runoff
      • document preparation such as printing, collating, and distribution - training associated with preparing staff to complete these plans - research and data searches - GIS associated activities


    • Certain costs are excluded from this activity including cultural and historical surveys, T&E species surveys, and archeological surveys.




    Constraints: DOI Requirement

    Unit of Measure:


    Cost Drivers:

    2M: Rehabilitate Lands Damaged by Wildland Fire /h5>

    Work Activity Description: includes labor and other costs associated with the rehabilitation of burned areas and damage caused by wildfires. Emergency rehabilitation costs for any one fire shall not exceed three years or two full growing seasons to repair or improve lands unlikely to recover to a management approved condition from wildland fire damage, or to repair or replace minor facilities damaged by fire.


    • Costs associated with rehabilitation include:
      • tree planting to establish burned habitat, reestablish native tree species lost in fire, regenerating Indian trust commercial timberland
      • repair damage to minor facilities (campgrounds, exhibits, fences, guzzlers, etc.)
      • habitat restoration
      • invasive plant treatment
      • road/trail maintenance
      • heritage site restoration
      • fence replacement
      • work to prevent land degradation or resource losses
      • fencing of areas to prevent animals or humans from entering sensitive areas
      • felling damaged trees posing threats to human safety
      • costs to plan, survey, design emergency measures to ensure rehabilitation of lands damaged by wildfire
      • all costs associated with the preparation of activity plans
      • staff time for prep, collaboration (outreach, meetings, etc.) with other entities and the public
      • cultural clearances
      • consultation with tribes
      • NEPA analysis
      • condition class assessments
      • Section 7 ESA threatened and endangered species consultation and review
      • coordination and cross-walking with other existing implementation plans
      • third party contracting
      • compliance with other federal, state, and local laws
      • document preparation such as printing, collating, and distribution
      • training associated with preparing staff to complete these plans
      • research and data searches and GIS associated activities
      • all costs of preparing post-burn supplements to Normal Fire Rehabilitation Plans (NFPR) and the costs of preparing Emergency Fire Rehabilitation Plans where no NFPR exists


    • Certain costs are excluded from this activity including cultural and historical surveys, T&E species surveys, and archeological surveys. Costs of restoring burned areas to full natural or pre-fire productivity are to be funded from the resource programs benefiting activities.



    Constraints: DOI Requirement

    Unit of Measure:


    Cost Drivers:

    2N: Monitor and Evaluate Fuels Reduction and Post-Fire Rehabilitation/h5>

    Work Activity Description: 1) Fuels treatments include chemical, mechanical, vegetation seeding or re-vegetation treatments, prescribed fires, wildland fire for resource benefit or a combination of these treatments. Costs for monitoring and evaluating fuels treatments include: labor and other costs associated with monitoring and evaluating the short-term effects of fuels management treatments, monitoring of weed or other vegetation populations and evaluating their response to the fire or treatment are also included.

    2) Costs for monitoring and evaluation of emergency stabilization and rehabilitation treatments include; labor and other costs associated with the monitoring and evaluation of rehabilitation projects and actions for up to three growing seasons after fire control. This includes monitoring plot establishment, reading of studies, data analysis and preparation of an evaluation report. Acres monitored are reported each year that studies are read and when the evaluation report is completed. Initial treatment effects monitoring, plot establishment, and first year post-treatment monitoring. Salaries, benefits, travel and supplies for personnel directly involved in monitoring and evaluation for actions taken prior to and during treatment to measure treatment effectiveness and ecological change. Monitoring and evaluation may extend beyond the 3-year period of rehabilitation actions.





    Constraints: DOI Requirement

    Unit of Measure:


    Cost Drivers:

    Manage and Preserve Cultural Resources and Museum Items /h2>

    3A: Manage and Protect Cultural and Heritage Resources/h5>

    Work Activity Description: write step-down plans, site restoration and maintenance; conduct non-compliance related coordination; prepare memoranda of understanding; conduct surveys; maintain inventories; prepare Geographic Information System analysis and mapping; research and excavate repatriate property, museum property, and national historic sites; identify and mitigate historic properties; manage, compile, analyze, and report digital spatial data





    Constraints: DOI Requirement; The costs associated with this activity make up a significant portion of one CSF

    Unit of Measure:

    Inputs: National Historic Preservation Act, Archeological Resources Protection Act, Native American Graves Protection and Repatriation Act, Executive Order 13ØØ7

    Cost Drivers:

    3B: Manage and Protect Museum Items/h5>

    Work Activity Description: inventory and curate museum collections; manage museum agreements; manage historical photographs, including museum photographs; acquire, label, catalog, store, maintain, inventory, conserve, and secure collections; maintain records, including catalog and inventory lists, photographs/images, location information, condition information, loan information, monitoring records, records on lost or damaged/destroyed objects, and records on de-accessions; inspect collections





    Constraints: DOI Requirement; The costs associated with this activity make up a significant portion of one CSF

    Unit of Measure:

    Inputs: National Historic Preservation Act, Archeological Resources Protection Act, Native American Graves Protection and Repatriation Act, Antiquities Act

    Cost Drivers:


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Last Modified: 9/24/2008